小学4年级 - 散文 阅读指导

A cloud in the sky

山东省文登市第一实验小学四年级 王腾

         A cloud in the sky
I like clouds in the sky because it has different colors.
During the day clouds are as white as sheep.They look like birds and fly here and there freely;Clouds turn red when the sun says good-bye to her;Clouds become black when the weather is bad.I think they must be get angry.
I often look at clouds in the sky.I like all kinds of colors of them.
                         指导教师 于晓燕
  • 小学4年级 - 散文
  • 字数:434 投稿日期:2004-3-26 13:57:00
  • 推荐发表:[NXWYR03]2007-8-20 16:41:24