Worry about the monthly exam(3000字)

2015-9-22 6:22:01 [初中一年级英语作文]
saying goes: you win some common;Just now check teeth, such as hunger lie bone rough burr broken flower!Horrible!Students with excellent performance, won the award, as for our students with poor grades, students with excellent grades we shine have coverage, more foil the slim!Fellow students, the same questions, why students with excellent performance is throw the hook, and students with poor grades is dazzling red fork, it denied what is just the answer, but also for our own denied!Heaven fickle!Didn't we review?This Ma Feifan horse, star is the star.Forward on thin bone, YouZi with copper.Just now played "defeat", what is my face to see "fellows"?Helpless, can only pray god, the next exam simple point, otherwise I really ashamed with my poor score sign let mom!


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