Worry about the monthly exam(3000字)

2015-9-22 6:22:01 [初中一年级英语作文]
hurry?Well, what's in a hurry: feel yesterday to take an examination of, tomorrow to test again;Feeling yesterday was scolded the silent, tomorrow will be scold;Yesterday feel deeply grieved, to relive again tomorrow.Alas!Suddenly thought!Students with poor grades is naturally deplete, students with excellent grades so meaningless, as tianya reduced, helpless!Helpless!Harrowing experience!A teacher, know?To know?, helpless, but also can only let nature take its course...Before the exam, what also can't do it well: review. Don't have enough patience;Review, and feel upset, all in one word: tired, tired, want to have a good grades of students, whitehead not separation.The exam sit beside me, help me to take off down a.Good friends, year after year passed not separation!Only let students with excellent performance is too little, too many students with poor grades, imbalance!Was on tenterhooks before the examination, do anything goes wrong, of course, this refers to our students with poor grades, students with excellent grades Ann know students with poor grades of zai?Sad difficult suppression, but also only in god's hands!Only sigh time is too slow, will always come, for it is better to have the ball, hum, although release your horse and come, I will try my best!I live more than ten years, I will fear you test a month?I see road, I will search up and down!The classmates, and weapons, on the battlefield, some shopping with the enemy in the end!Today is "a buffer region regime" "war" again and again, I would like to "join", only sigh "unsuccessful"Who is coming will come, to this day;If "die", I also appointed, if can "achievements", the next must redouble our efforts, to expectations, the feat again!Today, I can only put all your eggs in one basket, cross the rubiconAs the