小学6年级 - 诗歌 阅读指导

Let`s talk English together

Baby castle 粉红的雪城


I'm a primary school student.  
I go to school every day.  
From morning until night, I study.  
I'm an excellent student.  
My favorite subject is English.  
Spreaking English makes me happy.  
Every chance Iget, I practice English.  
I'm good at speaking English.  
I encourage my classmates to study English.  
I encourage my friends to learn English.  
I also encourage my parents to practice English,  
Because China needs more people  
who speak good English.  
I love speaking English with my family.  
I love speaking English with my friends.  
I'm sure l'll enjoy speaking English with you!  
Let's talk together!
  • 小学6年级 - 诗歌
  • 字数:530 投稿日期:2006-5-4 20:56:00