小学3年级 - 诗歌 阅读指导

Eight country the allied troops invade the China……

学校2年级2 24YX


I like China我爱中华你
Eight country the allied troops invade the China
The Chinese inability of 懦 of that time,
Don't believe science to eat the big 亏 .
The ocean gun, the ocean cannon.
Long-handled sword, long pike.
The government inability sue for peace even.
Measure the material resources of the China, knot with the joyful country.
Chase that
Large quantity, large quantity
Of the gold and the silver.
Become the box, become the box
Of hurl fill the dissatisfied evil hands toward that.

Can not hold up against the great wall.
Those eight murderous looks of the countries,
With the 惰懦 of the government.
China good a piece of fat meat,
Everyone all robs.
Left mow Taiwan.
Right mow Hong Kong.

China- useless and useless.
Government- incapable and incapable.
People- soundly asleep, soundly asleep.

  • 小学3年级 - 诗歌
  • 字数:649 投稿日期:2005-9-24 14:51:00