高中3年级 - 记叙文 阅读指导

Rooms in my house

临泽县城关小学 飞色百合

I love my family, I love my room, too!
         Rooms in my house
      甘肃省 临泽县 城关小学 六(4)班 师惠
   This is my house . It has a living room , a kitchen , a bathroom and three bedrooms .It
looks beautiful for me .
   First let’s see the living room ]! In the it ,
we can see a black TV on the brown table .
On the table There is a telephone .In front of
the TV , There is a couch and three chair . We
can sit it and watch TV in the evening . It’s very funny Beside the window . There are many
flowers . They are green . They look very beouitful . They can make us happy .
   Then . In my bedroom . There is a bed , a desk and a lamp on my bedroom . In the evening , I use it to read many books . On the wall , You can see five pictures , There are my favourite pictures.
   In the kitchen , There is a stove , a refrigerator , a sink . My mother often cooks on the stove . In the refrigerator , it is cold . There meat , vegetables , juice in it.
   At last , look at the bathroom . There is a toilet , a bathtub , a shower , a sink in it . We can wash our faces and hand in the sink . We can take a shower in the bathroom . Finally , We become clean .
   I love my family , I love my room , too!
  • 高中3年级 - 记叙文
  • 字数:869 投稿日期:2008-11-9 16:17:00
  • 推荐3星:[春风菲飞]2008-11-9 16:18:04