小学6年级 - 经验谈 阅读指导

Rooms in my house

临泽县城关小学 刘玉洁

This is my family, my family is small, but this is very beautiful.
              Rooms in my house
               刘璇   原创
  There are six rooms in my house. There are two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room and a kitchen. In my bedroom, there is a bed, a door, a lamp, a dresser, a closet, two windows, a pillow, a chair, a mirror and some flowers. In my father and mother bedroom, it has a bed, a door, a lamp, a dresser, a closet and a window. In kitchen, there is a refrigerator, many dishes, a sink, a tables, six chairs, three windows, a stove and some vegetables. In living room, there is a TV, two chairs, a couch, a desk, some flowers, a lamp, many books, a window, two pictures, and a towel. In bathroom, there is a sink, three teeth brush, bathtub, a shower, and three towels. In that bathroom, there is a sink, a toilet, two windows and some flowers.
  This is my family, my family is small, but this is very beautiful.                    
  • 小学6年级 - 经验谈
  • 字数:688 投稿日期:2008-11-1 10:24:00
  • 推荐3星:[倩凝茴]2008-11-1 10:31:42