大学 - 应用文 阅读指导


光年之后 负重的生命


2.1 工作时间
员工出勤以及工作时间依实际生产和工作需要由公司根据《劳动法》制定和调整。公司员工正常实行每周五天工作制,每天工作八小时,一般工作时间为每周一至每周五,其中:白班员工工作时间:8:30~17:00 (其中包括半小时午餐)
对于轮班员工,为确保用餐时机器的正常运作,必须轮流用餐而且严格控制在20 分钟内。交接班必须确保时间的充分,各班必须确保交接清楚。


Management Handbook
2.1 Working time
According to the Labor Law, the company formulates and adjusts the employees attendance and working time due to the real productional and operational requirements.
The employees follow the five-day workweek schedule regularly, 8 hours per day.
Monday to Thursday weekly are considered as workdays, among them, working hours from 8:30 to 17:00 are considered as day hours( including half-hour lunchtime).
The company arranges shifts for the employees in the production department or specialized operations where need to introduce day-and-night shift schedules, according to the provision of Indefinite tense and synthesis computation working systems in the Labor Law.
Specialized operations without shifts, the employees are arranged due to the positions’ needs and pre-agreed working time.
The production supervisor will work out the shift plans in details.
The employees who take a shift schedule must take turns eating within 20 minutes, ensuring the machines go smoothly during mealtimes.
There must be enough time for the shift change, each shift must make sure they have full time.
More schedule details will be arranged by the production supervisor. (179 words)
  • 大学 - 应用文
  • 字数:1352 投稿日期:2015-2-25 8:11:00

  • 推荐3星:[ALEXEA]2015-2-25 8:28:02