小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 抒情 阅读指导

I have a dream

胜蓝实验5年级 忧思心扉

Since I was young,I have a beautiful dream,standing on the podium in the highiy anticipated Olympic competition,
          I have a dream
      Since I was young,I have a beautiful dream,standing on the podium in the highiy anticipated Olympic competition, victory in hand ,the shooting competition MEDALS ,proving to the world that China is the endorsemet of victory .In order to become the world's first shooter ,I continuous efforts.
      I got excellent grades in every game . In order to  dream, forward!
        Dream is to achieve the power, is a sacred beliefs, have a dream, there will be a innovation, have the dream, we are constantly striving to become. Let's embrace the dream, where there is life, there is the immortality of the dream.
  • 小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 抒情
  • 字数:503 投稿日期:2014-8-13 12:35:00

  • 推荐3星:[0天]2014-8-13 12:38:48