初中3年级 - 杂文 阅读指导


大都中学 芷落

The winter vacation is coming I'm spending the spring festival with my family
   Wahat do students do in Grade Eight? Most students exercise three or four times a week. some students exercise once a week in PE As for weekend Most students do homework and watch TV. Some students surf the internet or play QQ I think exercise can help people stay healthy and has a healthy festyle is good for our healthy ,too .but if you'r redly ill. You should see a doctor and take the medicine .Chinese medicine is popular now. we need a balance of yin and yang .For example, often weak and tired maybe have too much yin. We should eat hot yang food like chicken ,eating dangshen and huangqi herbs is also good for this; if you often angny and too stressed out may have too much yang. We should eat more yin foods like tofu ,cabbage, beets and fish.
  Healthy also help you relax of alive !
  The winter vacation is coming I'm spending the spring festival with my family .Making dumpling and cooking more good foods. After fifteen day is lantern festival also sperding with my fanily .it's a very happy vacathion I can't wait! And my best friend,Yuxin. she's going to guangzhou for the spring festival that sounds interesting!
  In the winter vacation's coming the same time, finnal scane are also coming. so we must study hard for get good grades. My home is far form school .so I get up at five o'clock every moming. Cook breafast and have a quick breakfast ,then I read English about 30 minutes .The last I'm leaves for school at around six fifteen by bike. At my school, most students ride their bikes to school .Many students walk. A little students by moreto. Not students by bus.
  As for a student should't by moretor go to school. it's dangears !Hovever, some teachers by moretor, a little teachers by car. That must be a lot more fun than by bike!
  “Thank you very much for invting me to play basketball tagether with your on this weekend. I love baskrtball but I can't .I have to study for my finnal test next week. I hope you can keep get good grades ……”writer finish this e-mail I'm remeber my old friend, Star. we are different. She is more outgoing than me,and I'm a little quiet。ButI don’t think different are important in a friendship。She’s also good at schoolwork and grades is the best in her school 。But she said study isn't her favourite andshe's unhappiess。Beacause her family……
  Now,2013.We had a great football games on the school of new year.I want to take part in football camp very much,althoug I'm a girl 。Every classment is works hard in PK.The last football games class fuor won first prize.Our class only won second prize.
  Do you know who is the best football player?Does David Beckham or Beili?David Beckham was born in 1975.I don’t have favourite player with me.As for Chinese basketball player,Yaoming,also a little know.But I like China writer,Luxun。He is famous as a writer,but he isn't alive.His article are very well I love reading them.AndI like another writrer,Guojingming .He was born in 1987.When he was a student ,He took part in the 4’th International new article compettion in shanghai,2004.And won the first prize.
  When I grow up .I want to be a writer,too.So how can I going to do it?First I'm going to study hard now,and practive writing every Sunday evening.In the morning I must do chores.I hate to do chores but I like other chores ,cook.And I like make orange milk shake,too.Do you know how doI make orange milk shake?Let me tell you !First,pell three oranges,then cut up the oranges .Nowput the oranges and ice cream in the blender.Then pour the milk in the blender.Next,turn on the blender.Finally,pour the milk shake in a glass.A good orange milk shake was born.Are you want to eat it?Please remember it's instruction.
  I also like shopping.All the stop are good,but the Changman stop is the best in Dadu.It was biggest and has friendlist service.However,most popular clothing store is the Chengyi stop in the NO.18 Stree.It has quality clothing It's also the cheapest ! 
  • 初中3年级 - 杂文
  • 字数:3235 投稿日期:2013-11-23 11:42:00

  • 推荐3星:[勤奋小学生]2013-11-23 23:07:50