初中1年级 - 议论文 阅读指导

China------a developing country

苏州星海实验中学初一(8)班 FENGCEN

  China------a large population and a long history country.It has 56 nationalities. And it's a developing country now. It is from close-minded and backward to open-minded and modern during 60 years.More and more skyscrapers and cars in the cities.The science and technology are more and more advanced.China is more and more international. The subways and maglevs are very fast. Now, if you want to abroad,you can just by panes at the airport .But,question is,is this change very good for people and the earth?I think no. In my opinions, indeed people's lifes are more and more comfortable and opulent.But people's qualities are reduce and the country is not balance.There is a big divide between rich and poor.Some rich people have expensive food every day,but in fact,there're lots of poor people can't eat nice food every day and even they have no food.
Maybe 20 years ago,you can swim in the river.But now the rivers are so dirty.There are so many rubbishes in them. And the cars and factories pollute environment. Air is not fresh.It's bad for people.There are lots of nice people in China ,but there are a lot of not polite people in China,too.For example. In public places,so many persons smoke.In the cinema,so many people eat and drink and speak loudly.
  I hope our country can develop fast and people can be friendly,helpful,polite and confident.
  • 初中1年级 - 议论文
  • 字数:1129 投稿日期:2010-10-24 16:52:00

  • 推荐3星:[怕寂寞的猫]2010-10-24 16:54:25