小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 状物 阅读指导

My house

步步高英语学校 503013252

This is my beautiful house, Do you have a house like mine?
         My house
         步步高英语培训学校  苏展
    My house is a three floors’ apartment building . It is very big and bright, I live on the first floor.
   My bedroom is big. There is an air conditioner, a mirror, a bed, two end tables and a closet. The air conditioner is on the wall. The bed is between two end tables. There is a desk in front of the window. I like it very much. I always sleep and do my homework here.
   My father likes living room very much, he always stays there, Because he always reads newspapers as he drinks tea. There is a television on the wall. There are many toys on the sofa. The sofa is behind the table, The table is in the middle of the living room .I like living room ,too. because I can watch TV and play with toys there.
   Our kitchen is big and clean. There are many fruits and foods in the refrigerator, an electric cooker and cupboard in there. The big refrigerator is on the left of the electric cooker, I love kitchen , Because we can make many delicious foods.   
   This is my beautiful house, Do you have a house like mine?
  • 小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 状物
  • 字数:827 投稿日期:2013-5-13 10:57:00

  • 推荐3星:[DANXUE]2013-5-13 12:27:37