小学5年级 - 散文 阅读指导

my hobby

可塘镇 林晓桐

Everyone has a hobby,so do I.If you have a hobby,you will be happy.I think hobbies canmake our life more interesting.What is your hobby?
 Everyone has a hobby,so do I.If you have a hobby,you will be happy.I think hobbies canmake our life more interesting.What is your hobby?
 I have more hobbies,but collecting shells is the most interesting thing for me.I think collecting shells it can make me relax and happy.I have been collecting shells for nearly two years,and I have 110 of them now.I collect them because they are beautiful and interesting.I think I can learn things that I can't learn in class from my hobby .
  • 小学5年级 - 散文
  • 字数:397 投稿日期:2011-9-4 16:56:00

  • 推荐3星:[怡静恬儿]2011-9-4 19:37:22