初中2年级 - 诗歌 阅读指导


执我之手,度我半世余生,吻我之眸,遮我半世流离。 韵雪涵樱


Dreaming of Remembrance poem dedicated to Xiao

My world you live alone. If you smiled at me, I will miss half of United World Chinese years! If you would pamper me, and I will be with for

life! Orange, Yasumizu love you!
Who's robbing who should, who became a who's obsession?I think that I!                                
Flowers ashes, draw blood ran Lantian broken heart is sad for whom the dream world into a few butterfly both Hui Flying north, leaving behind

only the smell of rouge rouge Yan Nanfei sentimental drunk, beautiful love and hate this life can tear a few times.              

I believe that you will always be my baby Sony Ericsson!

Kam pay homage to my early years, it is only one song a cappella Li!                                     

Never once had a dream on the lonely chill off cold pierce the bottom of my heart is looking forward to have deserted the place will still be

open seven colors of the wind blowing the flowers but also the sky dream of flying equipment, what will really pray for the end of。Sleeping

Beauty is so gentle and full of life and ignite the hearts of the dream to fly and I write the melody belongs to you!The wind along the sea

clinging release your hands warm and ready to open even if the youth does not matter covered in the bitter darkness, or dawn of life on the

right may be doomed to experience failure I will try to cheer up the beat forever encouraging!                        

                                       ——Dreaming of Remembrance poem dedicated to Xiao-       


  • 初中2年级 - 诗歌
  • 字数:1087 投稿日期:2010-10-23 19:42:00

  • 推荐3星:[怕寂寞的猫]2010-10-23 19:48:55