深秋的梦月 的作品

初中2年级 帅哥 (初级会员)

注册时间:2015-8-11 13:56:15

日 记 本: 无

Struggling young 月亮虽然时有残缺,但它有梦想,梦想自己有一天终会圆满;流星虽然转瞬即逝,但它有梦想,梦想自己某一刻终会停留;丑小鸭虽然外表丑陋,但它有梦想,梦想自己将不久化身天鹅…… Struggling young The moon, although there is incomplete, it have a dream, they have a dream that one day will be perfect; Tender shoots, although fragile, it have a dream, dream of one day grow into towering trees.