Are U Ready 4 School?|开学喽,你准备好了吗?


1. On the way home from the community pool, your mom stops at the mall to run an errand1. You:
a. Beg her to let you wait in the car. All those “Back to School!” signs give you the heebie-jeebies2.
b. Remind her that you could use a new pair of jeans... and maybe a tee3 or two for school.
c. Make a beeline for4 the first display of school supplies to show your mom which ones you want.

2. You’ll pick out your first-day-of-school outfit:
a. Five minutes before the bus arrives—how long does it take to grab a T-shirt and jeans?
b. A few days before the big day, after consulting with5 your best friend.
c. With loving care—and after hours of planning—a full two weeks before school starts.

3. When your new class schedule arrives, you:
a. Stuff it under a couch cushion6. If it can’t be found, maybe you won’t have to go.
b. Drop it in your desk drawer. You’ll deal later...
c. Decorate the margins7 with flowers and hearts, and then carefully tape it to the inside on your binder8.

4. The week before the big day, you and your mom visit the school. When that unmistakable9 school smell hits your nose, you:
a. Start feeling queasy10.
b. Experience a brief wave of anticipation...until you remember how much fun summer is.
c. Take a long, deep breath. Oh, how you love that smell!

5. School starts in two days! You are:
a. Under the covers, moaning, “Please, no...”
b. Having a blast11 with your friends, enjoying your last homework-free days.
c. Double-checking12 your summer math assignment and adding a few more books to your reading list.

6. Going back to school means getting up early. For you, this is:
a. Pure torture13! There ought to be a law—kids need their sleep!
b. Annoying, but if you gradually work your way back to your school-day bedtime, you’ll be okay.
c. A piece of cake! You've been getting up at six all summer anyway.

7. This school year, you’re really looking forward to:
a. Winter vacation, spring vacation, summer vacation...
b. Seeing all your friends again and getting to know your teacher.
c. Having a fresh start with everyone, especially your teachers. It’s going to be a fantastic year!

1. 从社区游泳池回家的路上,妈妈停车去商场买东西。你会:
a. 求她让你在车里等她。看见那些“开学啦!”的标语你就神经过敏。
b. 提醒妈妈你说不定需要一条新牛仔裤,或者一两件T恤,要开学了嘛。
c. 直奔最近的学习用品柜台,让妈妈看你想要的东西。

2. 在挑选开学第一天要穿的衣服,你会:
a. 还有5分钟车就来了才行动——随便抓件T恤和牛仔裤能要多久?
b. 几天前就开始为这个大日子忙乎了,事先还要和好朋友商量商量。
c. 提前整整两周就准备好了,花了好几个小时精心挑选呢。

3. 新课表拿到了,你会:
a. 随手把它塞到沙发垫下面。如果找不到了,说不定就不用去上学啦。
b. 把它扔进书桌抽屉里,待会儿再理它吧。
c. 在课表边缘空白的地方用那些花啊心啊描画一番,再仔细地把它贴在笔记本封皮里。

4. 开学前一星期,你和妈妈去学校,那股再熟悉不过的校园气息扑面而来,你会:
a. 开始郁闷。
b. 感到有那么一丝期待,可转眼就想起暑假多好玩啊。
c. 深深地吸了一口气。嗯,你就爱这股味儿!

5. 两天后就要开学啦!你会:
a. 赖在被窝里,哀叹着:“不嘛……”。
b. 和朋友们疯玩一把,享受最后几天没有作业的日子。
c. 仔细检查暑假数学作业,又加了几本书到你的阅读书目里。

6. 重返学校就意味着要早起了,对你来说,这:
a. 简直是折磨!应该有条法律——青少年需要自己的睡眠!
b. 比较烦人,但如果你慢慢地适应上课时的作息时间,你就没事了。
c. 小菜一碟!反正一个暑假你都是6点钟起床。

7. 这学年,你真正盼望的是:
a. 寒假、春假、暑假……
b. 再见到所有的朋友,认识新的老师。
c. 和每个人都有一个新的开始,特别是你的老师们。这学年肯定棒极了!


1. run an errand 办事
2. heebie-jeebies <俚>神经过敏;紧张
3. tee = T-shirt
4. make a beeline for <口>一直奔向…
5. consult with 协商,商量
6. cushion n. 垫子
7. margin n. 页边的空白
8. binder n. 活页笔记本
9. unmistakable  adj. 明白的,不会弄错的
10. queasy  adj. 不自在的;忧虑的
11. have a blast 玩得痛快
12. double-check 仔细检查
13. torture n. 折磨,痛苦
14. quicksand  n. 流沙
15. recess  n. 休假,休息
16. vow v. 发誓
17. get there 到位
18. savor  v. 尽情享受
19. hit those books 用功
20. re-run 重放,重演
21. lay out 布置,安排