Garfield’s Good-life Guide|加菲猫的幸福生活指南


You never really own a cat. You can only make him happy and hope he won’t leave you for someone better, like the pizza guy. Here are some morsels1 of advice:
Let the cat make the first move2. Don’t come to me and expect me to rejoice. I will come to you on my own terms and in my own time. When I meet a new human, I know immediately whether he’s a cat person. If he pets me and suffocates3 me with hugs, yuck! It’s so over. But if he ignores me , I find him irresistible4. Unlike indiscriminate5 dogs, a cat likes a challenge. Always let the cat make the first move, or suffer the consequences.
Be polite. If I bring you a dead rat, I expect thanks. If you’re not in the mood, appropriate6 responses: scratching behind my ear, praising me and putting the gift on some sort of pedestal7 or perhaps in a well-lit china cabinet.
Do I look like I need a dog? I appreciate that you’re thinking of me, but seriously, a dog? Why not just throw me in a barrel of drool and roll me in fleas? The dog eats my food and digs in my litter box. And the dog that licked your face just rinsed8 down the litter box treats with toilet water. Yummy9.
Do I look like I need a sweater? Enough said.
Learn the language. A faint meow10 when you’re petting me means “that’s nice; you may continue.” A long, drawn-out11 meow means “I’m hungry—feed me or I’ll poop12 in the bathtub.” A low, throaty meow means “my litter box is most unpleasant.” A hissing meow is “you idiot, you’re standing on my tail!”
14 to 18 hours a day of napping is normal. I’m not lazy, depressed or narcoleptic13. I’m tired. You would be, too, if you had as much on your mind as I do.



1. morsel n. 少量;一块(食物)
2. make the first move采取主动
3. suffocate v. 使…窒息
4. irresistible  adj. 不可抗拒的
5. indiscriminate adj. 不加选择的
6. appropriate adj. 适当的
7. pedestal n. 底座
8. rinsev. 漱口
9. yummy  n. 美味
10. meow n. 猫叫
11. drawn-out 持续很久的
12. poop  v. (美俚)大便
13. narcoleptic  adj. 患嗜睡症的