Korean Wave in the US| 韩流袭美


Two of the most ambitious stars riding the so-called “Korean Wave” are Rain (Jung Ji Hoon) and Se7en (Choi Dong Wook). Both plan to release English-language albums in the US this year.
“I’m so fond of R&B and hip-hop,” said Se7en, who was recently in New York. “The US is the land of R&B and hip-hop. I want to start a career here, make a new beginning.”
Se7en went to Washington D.C. to record his single, which is scheduled to come out in the US this spring.
At the same time, Rain is also preparing for his first US album. He has a head start2, with a successful concert at New York’s Madison Square Garden in last February.
 “Rain is the face of pop globalism3,” Time magazine said, and called him one of the 100 most influential people in the world.
Before he visited the US, Rain already had a fan base. “Pop culture no longer moves simply in one direction, from the West to the rest of the world. Instead, it’s a global circle, not limited by borders. Rain, after all, falls on everyone,” said Time.
But, K-pop4’s success is not necessarily guaranteed5. Although Asians account for6 4.4 percent of the US population (at 13.1 million), Korean stars need to appeal to7 other Americans as well to be truly successful.
Early signs indicate this may take some time. A New York Times review of Rain’s Madison Square Garden performances called it “nostalgic8”—meaning the music seemed a bit behind the times.
“The difficulty for Rain’s US career is that, by the time [Rain’s songwriter and producer] Jin-Yong Park has figured out how to imitate the latest famous English-speaking song, American pop will have jumped ahead of him,” wrote a New York Times reporter.
Some fans say K-pop artists need to come out with hip, high-quality music, as well as speak good English, to get accepted by the American market.

Name: Jung Ji-hoon
Date of birth: 6/25/1982
Height: 184 cm
Education: Post Modern Music Department, Kyung Hee University(庆熙大学后现代音乐系)
Hobby: Movies, music, collecting shoes and clothes
Future Goal: Be the top star in the world

The Korean pop star, loved in Asia for both his R&B music and TV roles, lost his mother to diabetes13 six years ago. The huge grief kept him away from drink, night life and girls. He focused on performing, as his mother sacrificed her medical care so he could train professionally. “I’m like the average 25-year-old boy who wants to hang out with friends, have a girlfriend,” Rain told the New York Daily News, “But when my mother passed away, I made up my mind that I would be the top star in the world to honor her. I have no regret for this lifestyle.”
Rain had been rejected 18 times by artistic management companies for the reason “he was too tall and too ugly.” But now he performed in several Asian countries as well as the United States. Rain’s music and dancing talent have been compared to Usher and Justin Timberlake. In April 2006, Time magazine named him the second most influential entertainer. The future for Rain is incredibly14  bright.

American Rhythm and Blues (R&B) is a form of popular music and is actually based on other music like the blues or other black folk music. It’s like blues, but it’s more contemporary15. The Rhythm & Blues are also considered an urbanized form of popular music with strong, repetitious rhythms, but the melody is simple.

“Rain开辟美国事业的难处在于,等到[Rain的歌曲作者和制作人] 朴振英琢磨出该如何模仿最新英语名曲的时候,美国流行音乐已经跳到他前面去了。”《纽约时报》记者写道。

1. 天使般面孔,魔鬼般身材:“天使般的脸蛋、极具魅力的身材和贾斯汀·汀布莱克似的舞步”,这是《时代》周刊对Rain的描述。它同样也适用于Se7en。男女特征的混合是韩系流行乐重装出击的一部分。一些韩国流行男艺人甚至不允许交女朋友,为的是不失去邻家男孩的魅力。
2. 全明星制作阵容:为Rain的新专辑和美国—亚洲巡演担任舞蹈设计的是杰米·金,他曾为麦当娜、布兰妮和克里斯汀娜·阿奎莱娜工作过。Se7en在美国的单曲唱片将由里奇·哈里森制作,后者是格莱美奖获得者,负责制作过碧昂斯的热门单曲《为爱疯狂》。
3. 西式风格:在音乐录像《我来了》当中,Rain身着黑色紧身衣和军裤,以性感十足的舞步登场,这使人联想到90年代的迈克尔·杰克逊。Se7en说他想让人们知道他不仅是一名韩国歌手,而且是一名R&B歌手。

Se7en是韩国流行/R&B乐坛的领军人物,人气最旺的韩流主将之一。他15岁开始在艺人经纪机构YG Family旗下培训。经过4年的声乐及舞蹈强化训练,Se7en于2003年首次登台。圆润的嗓音、精彩的舞步和青春俊朗的容貌使他一举红遍亚洲。一口流利的日语让他也打入了日本音乐界。Se7en在全球马不停蹄地开演唱会,足迹遍及日本、泰国、中国以及美国。他一共发行了4张专辑和各类单曲,目标是成为举世闻名的艺术家。


1. doll n. 美女;美男子
2. head start n. 领先,抢先
3. globalism  n. 全球主义,全球性政策
4. K-pop=Korean popular music
5. guarantee   v. 保证,担保
6. account for (数量上)占…
7. appeal to 投合…的心意,引起…的兴趣
8. nostalgic  adj. 怀旧的,乡愁的
9. killer adj. 非常有吸引力的
10. be fed up with 厌烦,受够了
11. choreographer  n. 舞蹈设计者
12. smash hit 大获成功的戏剧、电影、音乐等
13. diabetes   n. 糖尿病
14. incredible  adj. 难以置信的
15. contemporary   adj. 同时代的