School jokes|校园笑话


The more we study, the more we know,
The more we know, the more we forget,
The more we forget, the less we know,
So, why study?

Funny Answers 趣味回答
TEACHER: Alice, name four members of the cat family.
ALICE: Mother, father, sister and brother.

TEACHER: Pablo, name six wild animals.
PABLO: Two lions and four tigers.

TEACHER: George, go to the map and find North America.
GEORGE: Here it is!
TEACHER: Correct. Now, class, who discovered America?
CLASS: George!

PRINCIPAL: What are you going to be when you get out of school?
HARVEY: An old man.
(illustrated pp10)

  With tears in his eyes, the little boy told his kindergarten teacher that only one pair of boots was left in the classroom and they weren't his.
  The teacher searched and searched, but she couldn't find any other boots. “Are you sure these boots aren't yours?” she asked.
  “I'm sure,” the little boy sobbed. “Mine had snow on them.”

TEACHER: Goodness, Mildred, haven't you finished washing that blackboard yet? You've been at it for an hour.
Mildred: I know, but the more I wash it, the blacker it gets.

TEACHER: This homework looks like your father's writing.
DWIGHT: Sure, I used his pen.