Q: Are you unstoppable1?
A: I'm unstoppable because I have it in mind that I'm unstoppable. You may take away one or two of my moves2, but I won't let you take away all of my moves. I added my favorite big men's moves to my game. I took Patrick Ewing's power game, David Robinson's spin3 moves, and the way Rony Seikaly4 lifted his knees up when he dunked.
Q: What's your favorite shot?
A: The dunk. I'm so big and powerful that it looks like I'm going to tear the ring off.
Q: How much pounding5 do you take from the player who defenses you?
A: I take a lot of pounding, but it's not a problem. Before basketball, football was my game. I used to love to hit and get hit. Now it takes me a couple of days to recuperate6 after games. I have to take ice baths. Phil Jackson told me to just take it easy, so that's what I did this summer.
Q: Did you work on any new skills in he off-season?
A: I worked on my handles, my shooting, and my free throws7.
Q: What do you think gives you the biggest headache?
A: Free throws. I worked on them, but I'm a better practice shooter than a game shooter. Foul shooting is something that I may never overcome. It keeps me humble8.
Q: The NBA will allow zone defenses this season. How will that affect your game?
A: It's going to kill me. They're messing the game up. With the zone, most guys can't get to the hole. They're going to have to shoot raggedy9 jump shots. Fans want to see a Vince Carter windmill10.
Q: When did you know that things weren't right between you and Kobe last season?
A: When I was wide open and he wasn't getting the ball to me. He was taking 20,30 shots with three guys on him. He's worked hard on this game and he wanted people to see it. When he sat out nine games due to injury in March and April, he saw how the ball was moving to the open man. When he came back, he fit in right away.
Q: Did you really tell Kobe that he was your idol?
A: Yeah. Last year, I couldn't have done it without Kobe. I wanted him to realize that. My real-life idols are my mother and father. My sports idols were Dr. J11 and Michael Jordan. When I met most of my sports idols, they shunned12 me. That's why I don't like David Robinson. When I asked him for an autograph13, he said no and I was crushed14. When I was playing for Orlando, a kid came into our locker room15 and wanted to meet Penny Hardaway. He asked Penny for a picture. Penny said, “Yeah, hurry up.” The kid was Kobe. He had that same look on his face that I had when David Robinson told me no. I pulled him aside and said, “Hey, you're right, man. Here's a shoe.”
Q: Which of the Lakers' two NBA championships was the hardest to win?
A: The first. I had to score 40 points for us to win. Last season, guys like Robert Horry and Rick Fox stepped up. If we do that again this season, we can call ourselves a dynasty16.
Q: If not the Lakers, who will win the title?
A: Probably the Spurs or Portland. But I won't let them beat us, ever.
Q: Do you consider yourself to be a great player?
A: No. Growing up, there were guys I felt were great and I couldn't do the things they did. I couldn't do what Kareen Abdul Jabbar or Wilt Chamberlain or Magic Johnson did.
Q: Were you named one of the 50 Greatest Players in NBA History too early in your career?
A: After being in the NBA for only four years, it was a challenge. I had to step up my game.
Q: Did you cry after winning your first NBA title because of people's constant criticism of you?
A: There were a lot of “buts” around my name. “He's a great player but...”People seem to judge greatness on the number of championships you've won. I don't judge greatness on that.
Q: How do you judge greatness?
A: How you play, how you are, what you can do. Karl Malone and John Stockton of the Utah Jazz are the greatest one-two punch17 ever. They'll probably never win a championship, but I still think they're great.
Q: You wear gymnastics tights in commercial. Do you think people might not take you seriously?
A: I invented that commercial. I like to do stuff18 that people will remember. I'm not going to limit myself to one thing. If you give me the opportunity to do a movie, I'm supposed to say, “No, I only want to play basketball”?
Q: Tell me about your new album, Shaquille O'Neal Presents His Superfriends, Vol. I.
A: Making records fulfills my dreams. As a kid, basketball-wise, I wanted to be like Dr. J. Music-wise19, I wanted to be like LL Cool J. The concept of my albums is to rhyme with20 my favorite artists.
Q: Are Coach Jackson's Lakers better than his great Chicago Bulls teams?
A: I don't think we match up with them. Phil's Bulls had the greatest players Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman.
Q: When do you want to retire?
A: After I've played between ten and fifteen years. I'm studying law enforcement21. I want to be a sheriff22 or chief of police somewhere.
Q: How do you want people to remember you?
A: As one of the most dominant23 players, I was looking at the NBA record book and was surprised to see I've got one of the leading playoff24 scoring averages. I'm the third guy to be named MVP25 three times All-Star, regular season, Finals in one season. No other team has had our 15-1 post-season record. As long as my name is in the book, they can't take it out.
答:进入NBA才 4年就受此殊荣,这对我是个挑战。它逼着我奋力进取。
1. unstoppable adj.不可阻挡的
2. move n.运球
3. spin [spin] n.旋转
4. Rony Seikaly (NBA球星)罗尼·塞克利
5. pounding n.重击
6. recuperate v.恢复
7. free throw罚球
8. humble adj.卑微的
9. raggedy adj.粗糙的,没有做好的
10. windmill n.风车
11.即Julius Erving (朱利叶斯·欧文),美国NBA球星,1950年2月22日出生,他是继张伯伦、贾巴尔之后第三个得分超过3万分的NBA球星。
12.shun v.躲避
13.autograph n.签名
14.crushed 为crush 的过去分词,意为“有挫折感的”
15.locker room衣帽间
16.dynasty n.王朝
17.one-two punch 迅速连击两次:拳击中连续进行的两次快速进攻,尤指先用左拳出击然后立刻用右拳直线重击
18.stuff n.事情
19.后缀-wise, 放在名词的后面,构成形容词,意思是“在……方面”
20.to rhyme with同……押韵,同……保持一致
21.enforcement n.实施、执行
22.sheriff n.美国县级法院的主要的法律执行官员
23.dominant adj.支配地位的,最有影响力的
24.playoff n.(双方得分相等时的)最后决赛
25.MVP即most valuable player 最有价值球员