How to Survive (1)|生存手册(1)


Chemical Attack
Key phrase: Face the wind then run left or right
  In an attack, you may see people falling down holding their faces. If you think you've been affected, you should:
(1) Run  away  at right angles1 to the wind direction—this will get you out of the contaminated2 area the quickest.
(2) Remove contaminated clothing.
(3) Wash with water.
  If you are in an office block looking down on a chemical attack, “Close windows and doors, shut down the air-conditioning and stay inside.”

Spider Bite
Key phrase: Keep the wound cool
  All spiders are poisonous, but most don't have fangs3 big enough to pierce4 skin. Most spider bites are thought to be insect bites, and many are not even felt at the time. But if you know a spider has bitten you, then:
(1)Cleanse5  the  area  with soap and water and place a cool compress6 on it. Don't apply anything warm as this may increase the poison's spread.
(2) If  possible, catch  the  spider  and take it with you to the doctor.  He will then know what medicine to give you.
(3) If  any  of  the  following  occur, get medical help: vomiting7, blisters8, necrosis9 (a blackening of the skin around the bite), fever or stomach cramps10.

Crowd Stampede11
Key phrase: Stay upright
  Unless you can find some solid street furniture like a phone box to cower12 behind, stay upright and go with the crowd. If you can see an escape route in the distance—a doorway or side road—try to aim for it gradually, taking one pace sideways for every three forwards. Fight with all your strength to stay on your feet—you're a dead man if you fall. If you do fall down, take a deep breath, cover your head and try to get on your front to protect your vital organs.

(1) 朝与风向成直角的方向跑,这样可以使你最快地脱离污染区。
(2) 脱掉受污染的衣物。
(3) 用水冲洗。

(1) 用肥皂和水清洗伤处,然后冷敷。不要热敷,因为这样可能加速毒性的扩散。
(2) 如果可能,抓住那只蜘蛛带到医生那儿,他就会知道给你什么药了。
(3) 如有以下情况发生,赶紧就医:呕吐、起水疱、皮肤坏死(被咬处周围发黑)、发烧或者胃痉挛。




1. at right angles  成直角
2. contaminate  v. 污染
3. fang  n. 毒牙
4. pierce  v. 刺穿,刺破
5. cleanse [klenz] v. 把…洗干净; 消毒
6. compress  n. 【医】敷布, 绷带
7. vomit   v. 呕吐
8. blister  n. 水疱
9. necrosis  n. 坏死
10. cramp   n. 抽筋
11. stampede  n. 惊跑,乱窜,奔逃
12. cower  v. 畏缩, 退缩