How Trendy Are You?|你有多前卫?


  Take these quizzes to learn all about your funky1 flair2 and personal style!

1. When you get your new copy of ES, you flip3 straight to the music section to see what you need to add to your CD shelf.  True or False?
获得新一期的ES后, 径直翻到音乐版块,看看CD架上有什么需要新添的东东。 是或否?

2. You  pride4  yourself  on being the first person at school to try out a new trend. True or False?
你在校园刮起了一股时尚的旋风,为此而得意洋洋。  是或否?

3. You make it a point5 to go shopping every season to add fresh pieces to your wardrobe6. True or False?
每一季度你都会例行购物,让新款服饰“充实”自己的衣柜。  是或否?

4. You look to7 your fave celebrities for fashion inspiration. True or False?
你期待从自己的偶像身上获取时尚灵感。   是或否?

5. You  would  never  wear the same outfit more than once a month. True or False?
你穿的衣服在一个月内绝不重复。   是或否?

6. Hand-me-downs8 from your older sis or cousin are unacceptable. True or False?
你绝不会接受姐姐或亲戚穿过的衣服。  是或否?

7. Appearing  perfectly  put-together  before  you  walk out of the house is very important to you.  True or False?
出门前浑身上下收拾得妥妥贴贴、无懈可击,这对你至关重要。 是或否?

8. You'd  rather  hit  the  mall  for  a  marathon  shopping trip than pick up pieces here and there.
你宁愿到大型超市进行马拉松式的购物,也不愿东奔西跑,四处挑选。 是或否?

9. When you dress down9, your friends always ask, “Are you okay?”  True or False?
每当你衣着随意时,你的朋友总会问:“你没什么事吧?”  是或否?

Mostly true
You are a friend to fashion. You like to be on top of the latest styles so you can be the first person to be seen wearing the daring duds10. By the time everyone else catches on, you'll have moved on, paving the way for the next stylish look.

Mostly false
Fashion is not tops on your priority11 list. Sure, you like to look good—you just don't want to spend your time trying to keep up with the ever-changing fashion world. Instead, you buy classic pieces you can wear again and again.
时尚显然不是你优先考虑的事情之一。当然喽,你也喜欢看上去漂漂亮亮的——只不过你并不想在赶时髦上花功夫。因而, 你会买一些经典款式,反复穿。




1. funky   adj. [美俚]绝妙的,刮刮叫的
2. flair    n. 才能,本领
3. flip [flip]  v. 翻动书页(或纸张)
4. pride oneself on [upon] 以…而得意
5. make  it a point to do sth. =make  a point of doing sth.  总是做某事;打定主意做某事
6. wardrobe    n. 衣柜
7. look to 指望
8. hand-me-down (传下来的)别人穿过的衣服
9. dress down   穿着随意,穿得不好
10. dud   n. [pl. ] [俚]衣服
11. priority   n. 优先