

1. What is the eleven-letter word that all Yale graduates1 spell incorrectly?

2.In the United States is it legal2 for a man to marry his widow's3 sister?

3. How  much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet? 4

4. How many months have 30 days in them?

5. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have six daughters and each daughter has one brother. How many people  are there in the family?

6. Two fathers and two sons each shot a duck and none of them shot the same duck. Only three ducks were shot. Why?

7. We all know there are 12 one-cent stamps in a dozen, but how many two-cent stamps are there in a dozen?

8. Two planes leave Chicago and New York at the same time. Assume5 a 1000-mile distance. The east bound6 plane travels 240 miles per hour, but due to headwinds7 the west bound plane can only make 80 miles per hour. When they meet, which is nearer to Chicago?


1. “incorrectly”.
2. No. If he has a widow, then the man is dead and cannot legally marry anyone.
3. There is no dirt in a hole.

4. 11 months. All the months except February have 30 days in them.
5. 9 family members in total. 6 daughters, 1 brother, Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith.
6. There is Grandfather, Father and Son. The grandfather is father of the Father and the Father is the father of the son. The Father is the son of the Grandfather and the Son is the son of the Father. Thus, there are two fathers and two sons, but only three people.
7. 12.
8. Neither will be nearer. They will meet at the same place.


1. Yale graduates 耶鲁大学毕业生(美国)
2. legal  adj.合法的
3. widow  n.寡妇
4. measures two feet by three feet by four feet 体积为2×3×4(英尺)
5. assume  v.假设
6. bound  adj.开往……去的;east bound开往东边去的
7. headwind n.逆风