He walked a distance and said to himself, “I shall eat one apple tart;” suddenly he heard Anna’s voice saying, “Big bear I’ve caught you!” “Oh my, oh my!” cried the bear, “I had better walk a while before eating any of the tarts…” As he said that, the started off again. After he was a long from home, he said; “I shall rest here, and in the mean time eat one apple tart…” Suddenly he heard Anna’s voice saying again, “Big bear; I’ve caught you again!” “Oh me, oh my!” cried the bear, “That girl must have magic eyes!” then he started off once more.
When he at last reached his journeys end, he placed the basket in front of Anna’s front door, and walked away from home. When Anna’s mom and dad opened the door, they saw Anna jump out from the basket and running to the. There was no chance of saying how happy they were!
There was once a little girl that wanted to live in peace, but she couldn’t since her house or should I say family is very, very poor.
One day the little girl called Anna went to pick mushrooms in the forest with her friends. She picked plenty of mushrooms and walked deep into the forest. It gradually became dark, and Anna wanted to go home, she called her friends; but they were nowhere to be found. She wanted to go home on her own, she walked and walked into the forest; it seemed as if it had no end. At last, she found a tiny little house, Anna walked close to it.