爱与学习(Love and Learning)
我毕业后怎么选择(What I Choose to Do upon Graduation)
资助环保(Money for the Environment)
选择大企业还是小企业(Choice of large enterprises or small enterprises)
我的村庄(My Village)
小丑真有趣(Clowns Are Fun)
居里夫人(Madame Curie)
心灵之歌(Song of Mind)
曲折浪漫路(Detour to romance)
爱你的感觉(Love you feel)
形容漂亮女孩(Describe the beautiful girl)
我喜欢安静的你(I like you are quiet)
改变一生的邂逅(The encounter changed his life)
红玫瑰(A Red Rose)
时间的季节(Time of the Season)
情系夕七(Chinese Valentine`s Day Comes)
童言(Tong made)
生活中的"砖头"(Living in the "bricks and mortar")
西方人的谈吐技巧(Westerners conversation skills)
大专女孩征服微软(Junior college girl conquers Microsoft)
夜宴在威尼斯首映(The Banquet to premiere in Venice)
教师节赠言(Teacher`s Day Words)
世界上最遥远的距离(The furthest distance in the world)
当我老去的时候(When I was old when)