On Thin Ice|如履薄冰


Polar bears are well adapted to life in the chilly3 Arctic. They burrow4 into the snow to avoid icy winds. They hunt seals5 from the edges of the sea ice. They stay warm by eating up to 100 pounds of fat in one sitting6.
Lately, however, something is happening in the Arctic that the massive7 bears aren’t suited for. The Arctic temperature is rising. Warmer temperatures are melting the sea ice, which polar bears stand on while hunting.
“Polar bears are in trouble,” explains wildlife expert Kassie Siegel of the Center for Biological Diversity. “They need the Arctic sea ice to live.”

Arctic Meltdown8
What’s turning up the heat? Most scientists say global warming is to blame. Global warming is the gradual increase in Earth’s temperature. It is caused by gases, such as carbon dioxide9, caught in Earth’s atmosphere. Those gases trap the sun’s heat close to Earth.
Global warming’s effect is especially obvious in the icy Arctic. The polar region currently has the lowest amount of sea ice ever recorded, according to Mark Serreze of the National Snow and Ice Data Center.“Compared to 1979, we’ve lost an amount of ice considerably larger than all of the states east of the Mississippi River,” Serreze told WR News.
Polar bears aren’t the only mammals10 at risk. Some native people are having a harder time finding seals and other animals they rely on for food. Rising seawater is destroying some villages on the coasts of Alaska and Russia.

Cool Solutions
The situation is scary, but it’s not too late to help, Siegel told WR News. She is urging the U.S. government to put polar bears on the endangered species list. Animals on that list are protected from hunting and other threats.
In the meantime, people can help make a difference11 by reducing the amount of fossil fuels they use, scientists say. Burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, gives off gases that add to the overheating of Earth.“The situation in the Arctic can be turned around12 if we change our habits,” Serreze says.

Growing Up In the Arctic
Hi! My name is Kenneth-John Putulik. I go to Victor Sammurtok School in Nunavut, a territory in Canada. My town, Chesterfield Inlet13, is special because it is the oldest community in Nunavut.
In the winter, we get lots of snow. We get a lot of blizzards14, sometimes with winds blowing 50 to 70 miles per hour. We stay warm by wearing handmade clothing, including sealskin mitts15. We also wear handmade boots, that are made from caribou skin or sealskin.
In the early spring, we have almost 24 hours of daylight. That is the time of year I enjoy the most because we get to stay out late and do more activities outdoors.
We get our food supply from hunting. We collect berries16 and freshwater from the lakes. We eat caribou, seals, walrus17, fish, polar bears, musk oxen18, whales, geese, goose eggs, mussels, and, of course, store-bought food.
I love where I live because our community is small, and we have good supportive elders teaching us our culture and language. We live and grow up together as one big family.

Arctic at a Glance
Geography: The United States, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, and Canada are partly located within the Arctic Circle.
Culture: Many people who live in the Arctic are Inuit19. Inuit people are native to the region. About 160,000 Inuit live in the Arctic.







1. on thin ice 如履薄冰(双关语,既指全球变暖造成北极冰雪融化,也指形势危急)
2. Arctic   n. 北极,北极圈
3. chilly    adj. 寒冷的
4. burrow   v. 挖地洞
5. seal  n. 海豹
6. in one sitting 一次,一下子
7. massive   adj. 厚重的,大的
8. meltdown   n.(非正式用语)灾难
9. carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
10. mammal   n. 哺乳动物
11. make a difference 有影响,起作用
12. turn around 转变,逆转
13. inlet   n. 水湾
14. blizzard   n. 暴风雪
15. mitt   n. 连指手套
16. berry   n. 动物卵,鱼卵
17. walrus   n. 海象
18. musk ox 麝牛
19. Inuit   n. 因纽特人(北美和格陵兰的爱斯基摩人)