Life's Toughest Questions Answered|人生难题大揭密


Love & Marriage
Can love really last a lifetime?
Absolutely—but only if you drive away the fairy tale of living happily ever after. Scientists recently found that romantic love involves chemical changes in the brain that last 12 to 18 months. After that, you and your partner are on your own. Relationships require maintenance1.

Cosmic Questions
Why does summer zoom2  by and winter drag on forever?
Because context defines experience. As Einstein once said: “When you are courting a nice girl, an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder3, a second seems like an hour.”

Do animals really have a sixth sense?
Or seventh or eighth! A box jellyfish has 24 eyes, an earthworm's entire body is covered with taste receptors, and your dog's sense of smell is up to 100,000 times greater than yours (some dogs have been known to smell human cancers). It's safe to say that animals experience a much different world than we do.

Why does the line you're in always move the slowest?
Because you're late for your appointment and you curse your luck and envy those speeding by. Conversely4, when you're in the fast line, no stress, you don't even notice the poor people in the slow line. Good luck rarely commands one's attention like bad luck.

By what age should you know what you want to do with your life?
Any moment now. This used to be a question the young asked. Now it's a quandary5  for baby boomers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that younger boomers have abandoned the  ideal of picking a job and sticking with it. Between the ages of 18 and 36, these boomers held an average of 9.6 jobs. That's a lot of exploration. The wisdom of elders in all cultures seems to be this: there's nothing to do with a life but live it. As Gandhi pointed out,“Almost anything you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.”

Families & Feuds6
         Can a man and a woman ever just be friends?
For a short time perhaps. Making the friendship last requires that you find each other at least vaguely repulsive7. Good luck!

How do you know when to end a friendship?
As soon as you get that sneaking8 suspicion that it never really began.

Why do we turn into our parents when we swore we wouldn't?
Because really, when all is said and done9, we admire them.
Money & OtherHeadaches
Is money the root of all evil?
No. Greed is.

Why is it so hard to say you're wrong?
Because it often involves saying, “I'm sorry,” which is even harder. Throughout history people have found it easier to stop speaking to one another, punch10, slander11, shoot and bomb rather than apologize. Tip: Next time just say, “Whoops,”and see what happens.














1. maintenance  n. 维持
2. zoom  v. 急速离去
3. cinder  n. 煤渣
4. conversely  adv. 相反地
5. quandary  n. 困境,窘境
6. feud  n. (家庭)不和;争执

7. repulsive  adj. 排斥的,令人讨厌的
8. sneaking  adj. 暗中的
9. when all is said and done 归根结底,说到底

10. punch  v. 拳击,攻击
11. slander  v. 诽谤