King of Oral English (12) |英语口语王(12)


II 传情达意句

I’m really in a flap about the interview. 想到面试我心慌极了。
A: I’m really in a flap about the interview.
B: Take it easy. You’ve made enough preparations.
I’m on tenterhooks. 我感觉如坐针毡。
=I’m on pins and needles.
Worrying kept me awake. 我愁得睡不着觉。
=I lost sleep over it.
A: Worrying kept me awake. 我愁得睡不着觉。
B: You’ll send yourself to an early grave. 这样会使自己折寿的。

I’m a bundle of nerves. 我心如乱麻。
A: I’m a bundle of nerves. 我心如乱麻。
B: What has happened? 发生什么事了?
I was scared stiff of giving my first performance. 第一次上台演出把我吓得要死。
A: I was scared stiff of giving my first performance. 第一次上台演出把我吓得要死。
B: Were you? Your performance was excellent. 是吗?你的演出棒极了。
What’s on your mind? 你有什么心事?
=What’s eating you?
=What are you worried about?
I’m anxious about what you did. 你的所作所为让我很担心。
=What you did has occasioned anxiety to me.
◆I take thought of you. 我很担心你。
◆I tremble for your safety. 我很担心你的安全。
I’m seriously troubled. 我深感忧虑。
=I’m greatly troubled.
I’m really in a flap. 我真的慌极了。
A: I’m really in a flap. 我真的慌极了。
B: Take it easy. 放松点。
I can’t take it anymore. 我再也受不了了。
=I can’t take another problem.
=I can’t deal with this anymore.
◆I’m mad at the world. 我快要发疯了。
III 生活场景句

逛街购物 试穿与试用
You can try some. 你可以试用一下。
A: Could I have a look at this facial cream? 我能看一下这种面霜吗?
B: Sure. You can try some. 好的,你可以试用一下。

Where is the fitting room? 试衣间在哪儿?
  =Where is the dressing room?
A: Where is the fitting room? 试衣间在哪儿?
B: Just behind you. 就在你身后。

This is just my size. 这刚好合我的尺寸。
  ◆It fits me well. 很合身。
A: How does it fit? 穿起来合身吗?
B: This is just my size. 这刚好合我的尺寸。

Do you have this in a smaller size? 这一件有小一点的吗?
  ◆Do you have this in a larger size? 这一件有大一点的吗?
A: Do you have this in a smaller size? 这一件有小一点的吗?
B: I’m sorry. We don’t have that in your size. 对不起,我们没有您要的尺寸。

Can I exchange it if it doesn’t fit? 如果穿起来不合身,可以来换吗?
  A: Can I exchange it if it doesn’t fit? 如果穿起来不合身,可以来换吗?
B: Sure. But just keep the receipt, please. 可以。但您得保存好发票。

逛街购物  讨论颜色
Does the color fade easily? 这种颜色容易褪吗?
  ◆Is it colorfast? 这个不褪色吗?

The color becomes me. 这个颜色适合我。
  ◆This purple blouse goes well with my skirt. 这件紫衬衫和我的裙子很相配。

Black jackets are quite in at the moment. 黑夹克现在很流行。
  A: Here’s a nice black one. 这件黑色的很不错。
B: That’s quite impressive. Black jackets are quite in at the moment. 相当不错,黑夹克现在很流行。

That looks a bit too loud. 这颜色看起来太花哨了。
  ◆It’s too plain. 太朴素了。
◆Isn’t it noisy? 这颜色艳吗?
A: I don’t like its color. 我不喜欢这个颜色。
B: Right. That looks a bit too loud. 对,这颜色看起来太花哨了。

I look awful in this red pair. 我穿这件红的太难看了。
  ◆I look awful in this blue cap. 我戴这顶蓝帽子太难看了。
A: I look awful in this red pair. It’s too bright for me. 我穿这件红的太难看了。这颜色对我来说太亮了。
B: How about this checked one? 这条格子的怎么样?

We’ve got quite a range of colors. 我们有很多种颜色。
  A: I want to get a shirt. Do you have it in blue? 我想买一件衬衫,你们有蓝色的吗?
B: Yes. We’ve got quite a range of colors. Blue, white, brown and gray. 有的,我们有很多种颜色。蓝色,白色,棕色和灰色。

逛街购物  讨论尺寸
What size do you take? 你穿几号的?
  ◆What size? 要几号?
◆You want the large size, or the small size? 你要大号,还是小号?
◆May I ask what the size is? 请问你要什么尺寸?
A: What size do you take? 你穿几号的?
B: The medium size, I think. 中号吧。

The collar is quite wide. 领子比较大。
  ◆It seems too high in the sleeves. 袖子似乎太大了。
◆It’s small all over. 各个部位都太小了。

Her figure is similar to me. 她的身材跟我差不多。
  ◆He’s big and beefy. 他的身材比较魁梧。
◆She’s slimmer than me. 她比我苗条一些。
A: Which size do you want? 您要多大尺码的?
B: Her figure is similar to me. 她的身材跟我差不多。