Get Confident Now! |搭建信心之塔!


Don’t beat around the bush. 不要拐弯抹角。
beat around the bush指说话不明确、不坦率,声东击西、吞吞吐吐。比如说,天天想购买新款衣服,她可能说,旧衣服太小、不合身等等。
       A: Don’t beat around the bush! Tell me how much you want. 不要拐弯抹角!告诉我你到底要多少钱?
  B: I’m sure we can come up with a fair price. 我确信我们可以谈出一个公平合理的价钱。                        
  A: Don’t beat around the bush. Get to the point. 不要拐弯抹角,有啥说啥吧。
  B: All right. 好的。
I’ll be right with you. 我马上就过来。
  A: I have an appointment with Mr. Smith at 9. My name is David Brown. 我和史密斯先生9点会面,我的名字是大卫·布朗。
  B: He said, “I’ll be right with you.” Please have a seat. 他说他马上就过来,请坐。
     A: Can you help me? 你能帮帮我吗?
  B: Right now everybody’s tied up. Could you wait a few minutes? I’ll be right with you. 这会儿大家都在忙,请稍等好吗?我马上就过来。

Nothing could be more wonderful. 没有比这更让人高兴的了。
  =Nothing could be nicer.
  =Nothing would please me more.
I’m on Cloud Nine. 我过得非常幸福。
  ◆I’m in seventh heaven. 我沉浸于极大的快乐之中。
I’m walking on air. 我感到飘飘欲仙。
  A: All of us passed the exam. 我们大家都通过了考试。
  B: I’m walking on air. 我感到飘飘欲仙。
You’re to do exactly as you please. 你高兴怎样就怎样。
  =Please do exactly as you please.
I’m in high spirits. 我非常高兴。
  =I’m over the moon.

I want to register. 我要挂号。
  A: I want to register. 我要挂号。
  B: Have you been here before? 你曾来看过病吗?
May I have your registration ID please? 请把挂号单给我,可以吗?
       A: May I have your registration ID please? 请把挂号单给我,可以吗?
       B: Sure, here it is. 好的,给你。
You should see the physician. 你应该看内科。
      ◆You should see the surgery. 你应该看外科。
      ◆You should see the dentist. 你应该看牙科。
      A: Which department is for flu? 感冒要看什么科?
      B: You should see the physician. 你应该看内科。
I enjoy the free medical care. 我享受公费医疗。
      A: Do you have to pay by yourself? 你要自己支付医疗费吗?
      B: I enjoy the free medical care. 我享受公费医疗。
Will my insurance cover this? 我的医疗保险承担这项费用吗?
      A: Will my insurance cover this? 我的医疗保险承担这项费用吗?
      B: I’m sure it will. 肯定会的。

Could you describe your symptoms? 你能描述一下你的病情吗?
    ◆What are your symptoms? 你有什么症状?
    A: Could you describe your symptoms? 你能描述一下你的病情吗?
    B: It hurts when I eat. 我吃饭时这儿就疼。
What do you complain of? 你哪儿不舒服?
    =What brings you here?
    A: What do you complain of? 你哪儿不舒服?
    B: I’m aching all over. 我浑身疼。
Let me examine your heart and chest. 我来听听你的心肺。
    A: Doctor, I’ve coughed badly these days. 大夫,我这几天咳嗽得厉害。
    B: Please unfasten your jacket and shirt and let me examine your heart and chest. 请解开上衣和衬衫,我来听听你的心肺。
Let me feel your pulse. 我来给你切脉。
    A: Doctor, I’ve got a headache and sometimes I feel like vomiting. 大夫,我头疼,有时还想吐。
    B: Let me feel your pulse. 我来给你切脉。