One Breath English (20)|一口气英语(20)


46. What's playing?

What's playing?
What's showing?
Anything really good?

What choices do we have?
What do you want to see?
What times are the shows?

You choose the movie.
I'll let you decide.
I'm game for anything.

(1) What's playing? 在上映什么电影?
What shows are playing? 【较常用】 (在上演什么戏;在上演什么电影?)
What movies are playing? 【常用】 (上演什么电影?)
What's on? (在上演什么电影?) 【最常用】
(2) What's showing? 上演什么电影?
What's showing at the cinema? 【常用】
=What's showing tonight at the movies? 【最常用】
(3) Anything really good? 有什么真正好看的电影?
英文:Anything really good to eat?
英文:Anything really good to see?
(4) What choices do we have? 我们有什么可以选择?
What options do we have? (我们有什么选择?)
=What are our choices?
(5) What do you want to see? 你想看什么电影?
What looks good? (哪部电影看起来好?) 【最常用】
=What movie looks good?
What kind of movies do you like? 【常用】(你喜欢看哪一类电影?)
What do you feel like watching? 【较常用】 (你想看什么电影?)
(6) What times are the shows? 电影什么时候上演?
times用复数,是表示各个电影的上映时刻。也可说成When are the shows?
【比较】What times are the shows at? 【常用】
           At what times are the shows? 【少用】
(7) You choose the movie. 你来选择电影。
也可以只说:You choose. (你选择。)或You decide. (你决定。)
美国人也常说:You pick the show. (你来选择电影。)
(8) I'll let you decide. 我让你决定。
这种说法很多:I'll let you choose. (我让你选择。) 【最常用】
I'll let you select. (我让你选择。) 【常用】
I'll let you make the decision. (我让你做决定。) 【常用】
(9) I'm game for anything. 我什么都愿意。
【例1】 She is game for any risk. (她敢冒任何风险。)
【例2】 I'm game to do anything no matter how dangerous it is. (我愿意做任何事,不管有多危险。)
【例1】 I'm game to give it a try. (我愿意试一试。)
【例2】 A: Let's ask those girls to dance. (我们去邀请那些女孩跳舞吧。)
  B: I'm game if you are. (如果你愿意,我也愿意。)
【例3】 A: How about a game of chess? (下盘棋如何?)
  B: I'm game anytime, anyplace. (任何时间、地点我都行。)


A: What's playing?                      
B: There's a lot playing.                   
They have a lot of choices.                
They have seven movies showing.          
A: What's showing?                      
B: There are three action movies.          
There is one horror movie.                 
There is also a martial arts movie.           
A: Anything really good?                  
B: There is one great movie.               
It stars Jackie Chan.                      
He's a policeman in America.               
A: What choices do we have?               
B: We have lots of choices.                 
They have a good variety of movies.           
The theater has seven different shows.   

47. Pick a movie

Pick a movie.
What looks good?
What are we going to see?

I'll wait in line.
I'll get the tickets.
Why don't you go take a look around?

See what's going on.
See what they have.
Check out the food court.


(1)  Pick a movie. 挑选一部电影。
Select a movie. (选一部电影。)
Decide on a movie. (选一部电影。)
(2)  What looks good? 哪部电影看起来好呢?
What looks good to you? (你觉得哪部电影看起来好呢?)
What do you like? (你喜欢什么?)
Which movie looks good?(哪部电影看起来好呢?)
(3)  What are we going to see? 我们要看什么电影?
你可以问旁边的人:What do you want to see? (你想看什么?)
                                  What movie do you want to see? (你想看什么电影?)
(4)  I'll wait in line. 我去排队。
中国人说:“我去排队的”的“排”有“等待”的意味,所以英文说成:I'll wait in line. 美国人也常说:I'll wait.(我去排队。)Let me wait.(让我去排队。)或I'll wait for the tickets.(我去排队买票。)
Don't cut.(不要插队。) (=Don't cut in line.)
Excuse me, the line is here. 这句话字面意思是“对不起,队伍在这里。” 引申为 “对不起,请你排队。”
事实上,美国人非常守规矩,不管在什么地方都会排队,你想排队的时候,你可以说:Are you waiting in line? (你在排队吗?)
(5)  I'll get the tickets. 我来买票。
【比较】I'll buy the tickets. 【常用】 (我去买票。)
            I got the tickets. 【常用,语气较坚定】 (我去买票。)
(6)  Why don't you go take a look around? 你何不到处去看看?
take a look 看一看 around  adv. 到处;四处
  “Why don't you +原形动词?” 表示“建议”。这和中国人的思维不同。
【例1】 Why don't you sit down for a while?
【例2】  Why don't you join us for lunch?
所以,以后,凡是建议别人做什么,就应该用“Why don't you...?”,说话才像美国人。
【比较1】 Why don't you go take a look around? 【最常用】
     Why don't you go to take a look around? 【较少用】
【比较2】 Why don't you go take a look around? (你去四处看看吧。)【表建议,较客气】
You go take a look around. (你去四处看看。)【表命令,较不客气】
(7) See what's going on. 去随便看看。
     See what's going on. (去随便看看。)
    =See what's happening.
    =See what's up.
    What's up?  What's happening?   What's going on? 是美国人打招呼的口头禅。
(8) See what they have. 看看他们有什么。
     美国人说话喜欢简单,就把See what they have 后面的to eat, to buy, to think, to offer 等要说的话,放在心里不说。    
      See what they have.
      See what they have to buy.
      See anything that they have to buy.
(9) Check out the food court. 看看美食广场有什么好吃的。
在美国的mall(购物中心)里面,往往都有一两层卖吃的,称作food court,就 像我们百货公司里的“美食广场”。在mall里面的电影院,没有food court,一般电影院附近设有小吃店(snack bar)或小卖部(concession)。进了电影院,尚未入场,要请朋友去买爆米花,就可以说:
Please get me a popcorn at the concession.