Hybrids: Can Cool Cars Help Save the World?|混合动力车:


Dozens of students spilled2  outside Sterling Middle School in Quincy, Mass., on a recent afternoon. Chatting excitedly, they hurried to the parking lot to get a glimpse of one of the country's most sought-after3  cars.
No, it wasn't a Porsche or a Ferrari.  It was a  Toyota  Prius.   The   Prius    is a   hybrid—a car that uses two types of power. Like most hybrids, the Prius relies on gasoline and batteries. That combination allows hybrids to go farther using less gas. It's also put them on the fast track to popularity. Thousands of Americans are clamoring4  for the cars.
Auto dealers can hardly keep up with the demand.“Seventy percent of our [hybrid] cars are sold before they reach the store,” Pete Moe, a Wisconsin salesperson, told reporters.
Although hybrids accounted for just 0.5 percent of new car sales in the United States in 2004, experts say that percentage could quickly accelerate to 20 percent. “We believe in 10 years’time, the world will be filled with hybrid cars,” says Kazuo Okamoto, Toyota's head of research and development.

Shifting Gears5
Hybrids are hot because they conserve gasoline. The cars use their gas-powered engines on highways, where less fuel is required to move. Their electric motors kick in6  on hills or in stop-and-go traffic, when regular cars would burn up extra gas.
Hybrids' gas engines also shut off while the cars are stopped. “The car goes silent when waiting at lights, while the other cars around it continue rumbling and rattling,” hybrid driver May Kuroiwa of Havre de Grace, MD., told Senior Edition.
The system lets hybrids travel farther on less fuel. Some hybrids can go about 500 to 600 miles on a single tank of gas. That's about twice as far as a regular gas-powered car.
Hybrid cars also maximize non-gas power by capturing energy that regular cars lose when slowing down or braking. That energy helps recharge the cars' batteries.

The Right Direction
Environmentalists say the cars are exactly what the (Earth) doctor ordered. Hybrids' advanced technology uses less fossil fuel than regular gas-powered vehicles. Fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gases that were created millions of years ago. Fossil fuels are not a renewable7  energy source; once they are used up, they are gone forever.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty recently traded in his sport-utility vehicle8  for a more environmentally friendly car. “It's a recipe9  for continued crisis if we don't start changing our ways,” he says.
Hybrids also help the environment by cutting back on10  dangerous emissions, such as carbon dioxide. Those emissions, called greenhouse gases, build up in the atmosphere over time. They create a greenhouse effect, trapping11  heat from the sun and causing Earth's temperature to rise, according to many scientists. Experts say hybrid cars can cut greenhouse gas emissions in half.

Hard Sell12 ?
Despite all the benefits, some people say hybrids aren't worth the hype13 . Hybrids often cost thousands of dollars more than gas-powered cars. Critics say people would have to drive hundreds of miles a week to recoup14  those costs in gas savings.
“All the technology is great,” says David Cole of the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, Mich. But “that extra $4,000 to $5,000...as a driver, you may never recover that.”
Government officials are trying to make hybrids appealing despite the higher price tags15. Fifteen states and three cities offer incentives16, such as tax breaks17  and free parking, for people who drive hybrids.
Donna Cay Tharpe, a hybrid driver from Tallahassee, Fla., hopes the incentives work. “I feel a huge responsibility to do my infinitesimal18  part to contribute to cleaner air,” she told reporters. “It's going to take more than one car. But one car multiplied by many can make a difference.”






1. hybrid  n. 混合物。文中指混合动力车。
2. spill [spil] v. 涌流,蜂拥
3. sought-after 很吃香的,很受欢迎的
4. clamor  v. 喧嚷,吵闹着要求

5. gear  n. (汽车排)档
6. kick in (口语)分担一部分
7. renewable  adj. 可再生的,可更新的
8. sport-utility vehicle 运动型多功能车
9. recipe  n. 处方,秘方
10. cut back on 削减
11. trap  v. 捕获,诱捕
12. hard sell 硬行推销
13. hype [haip] n. 大肆宣传
14. recoup  v. 补偿,弥补
15. price tag 价格标签
16. incentive n. 刺激,鼓励
17. tax break税务减免
18. infinitesimal  adj. 极小的,无穷小的