You Can Get Along with Your Sibs!|手足之情永不变


Sib Tip #1
BE NICE. Seriously! Your sib is human, even though it doesn't always seem that way. You wouldn't tell your BFF6 that her taste in clothing stinks7, or that new boy in your class that he's dumber than a doorknob8. Show the same respect for your sib. Throw him (or her) a genuine9 compliment every now and then. He (or she) might just return the favor.

Sib Tip #2
CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES. Not every issue is worth a knock-down10, drag-out11 fight. Your sister broke your CD player, but it was an accident. Your brother really did forget that it was his turn to feed the dog. Before you start something12, ask yourself if it's really worth a fight. Even if you're the younger sib, you can be the bigger person and just let it go. There will be plenty of issues that are worth fighting over, so why not cut your sib some slack on13 the ones that aren't?

Sib Tip #3
SEE THINGS THROUGH YOUR SIB'S EYES. Maybe you feel like your little brother gets more attention, or that your older sister gets all the privileges14. Have you ever asked how they feel? Perhaps your sister thinks she gets stuck with15 all the responsibilities, and your little brother wishes he were as smart as you. Learning how your sib feels may help you understand why he or she feels like picking a fight—and what you can do to avoid it.

Sib Tip #4
PROBLEM-SOLVE TOGETHER. Did you ever stop to think about how much you and your sib could accomplish if you put all that fighting energy into problem-solving instead? Sometime when you're not angry, ask your sib to help you come up with ideas for settling the issues you argue about most. Maybe you can draw up a schedule for sharing the remote control or agree on rules for entering each other's rooms. Talking it through today can prevent a battle tomorrow.

Sib Tip #5
COOL OFF, DON'T FREAK OUT16. Sometimes sibs can make you so angry you just can't deal with them at that moment. If a situation is threatening to become all-out17 war, walk away. Give yourself time to calm down before you try to discuss the situation again. By removing yourself before you make matters worse, you'll come out ahead18 in the long run.

Sib Tip #6
ALERT YOUR PARENTS. Parents do want their kids to get along, but they sometimes encourage sibling rivalry19 without even realizing what they're doing. If your mom or dad is always comparing you to your sib, it may help to point out how this makes you feel: “Always hearing how much smarter, neater, or nicer my sister is makes me feel like I'm not good enough.” If your parents can't break the “why - aren't - you - more -like - your - sib ?” habit, at least remind yourself that you're an individual, not your brother or sister. They have their strengths—and so do you.

Sib Tip #7
APOLOGIZE. No one likes having to admit they were wrong, but when things go badly, an apology can go a long way to20 getting a relationship back on track21. You don't have to take all the blame, but if you said or did something you wish you could take back, it'll help a lot.
  So there you have it: Seven easy ways to win the peace...right? OK,OK, so tossing a genuine compliment to someone you normally call “Pig-brain” may be the toughest assignment you've had all week. And apologizing? That's tough, too. But think about it: Your sib may be a part of your life longer than anyone else you know. Besides earning yourself a little more peace and quiet in the here-and-now22, you're inverting23 a friendship that could last your entire life. Isn't that worth a little effort?











1. sibs=siblings n. 兄弟姐妹
2. remote control 遥控器
3. slug  v. 猛击
4. sit on sb. 制止某人的不良行为
5. call one's names 嘲弄或侮辱某人
6. BFF=best female friend 闺中密友
7. stink [sti?耷k] v. 低劣
8. doorknob   n. 门把手
9. genuine   adj. 真诚的
10. knock-down 打倒,击倒
11. drag-out 拖延
12. start something 制造麻烦
13. cut sb. some slack on sth.  对某人表示理解;宽待某人。
14. privilege    n. 特权
15. get stuck with 无法摆脱
16. freak out 失去自控
17. all-out adj. 全部的
18. come out ahead 占上风
19. rivalry   n. 竞争,对抗
20. go a long way to (doing) sth. 在促成某事上大有帮助
21. get sth. back on track 使某事重归正轨
22. here-and-now 此时此地
23. invert   v. 转化