Isadora Duncan: the Mother of Modern Dance|伊莎多拉·邓肯


Isadora Duncan has been one of the most enduring1 influences on 20th century culture. She always wanted to be different. She loved to dance, but she didn't like traditional dances. She refused to learn classical ballet. Instead, Isadora listened to the music and moved naturally. She walked, jumped, or just stood still and moved from side to side. No one had ever danced like that before. She was the creator of modern dance.

Family background
    Isadora Duncan was born in 1878 in San Francisco, California. She was the second daughter and the youngest of four children to parents Joseph Charles and Dora Gray Duncan. Her father was a poet and her mother was a pianist and music teacher. When Isadora's parents married, her father was divorced with four children and 30 years her senior. He supported his family through running a lottery2, publishing three newspapers, owning a private art gallery, directing an auction3 business and owning a bank. When the bank fell into financial ruin, he abandoned Isadora's family, moved to Los Angeles where he divorced and remarried again. 
    Isadora did not believe in marriage but did have love affairs with stage designer Gordon Graig and millionaire (Paris) Eugene Singer and had a child by each. Her children, Deirdre and Patrick were tragically and accidentally drowned in 1913 while with their governess4. Later in her life she married Russian poet, Sergei Esenin in 1922 but separated shortly after.

    As a child, she learned unconventionally to “listen to the music with your soul.”  Her mother instilled5 in Isadora a love for dance, theater, Shakespeare and reading. At the young age of 6 years old, she danced for money and taught other children to dance. Dancing lessons took precedence over6 formal education; however, she read and was inspired by the works of Walt Whitman and Nietzsche. 

    Isadora is known as the mother of “modern dance,” founding the “New System” of interpretive8 dance, blending together poetry, music and the rhythms9 of nature.  She did not believe in the formality10 of conventional ballet and gave birth to a more free form of dance, dancing barefoot and in simple Greek apparel11. Her fans recognized her for her passionate12 dancing and she ultimately13 proved to be the most famous dancer of her time. 
    In 1895, Isadora and her family moved east to pursue her professional dancing career. She opened in New York as a fairy with August Daly's company in A Midsummer Night's Dream. She was also funded by wealthy New Yorkers to give private appearances. In 1898 she expanded her dancing career by traveling to London on a cattle boat with her mother, her sister Elizabeth and brother, Raymond. Her first professional European performance was at the Lyceum theatre in London on February 22, 1900. She turned down substantial14 dancing offers to join Loie Fuller's touring company and toured Budapest, Vienna, Munich and Berlin. She studied for one year in Greece where she purchased Kopanos Hill outside of Athens to construct an elaborate15 dancing stage. Her performances were based on interpretations16 of classical music including Strauss' Blue Danube, Chopin's Funeral March, Tchaikovsky's Symphonie Pathetique and Wagnerian works.
    Later in her life she opened a dancing school in Moscow where the Russian government promised to provide her with room and board and a schoolroom. However, after the school was built the government did not support her. To support herself, she returned to the stage unsuccessfully in America and then toured Europe once more.
    Isadora's writings included The Dance, in 1909; My Life, her autobiography17 in 1927; various periodical18 articles on dancing; and The Art of the Dance, a memorial volume published in 1928.

Her death
    In 1927, Isadora Duncan moved to Nice, France. She was almost 50 years old and had very little money. But she never lost her energy and her love for life. One day she asked a car salesman for a ride in a sports car. She was dressed in a loose dress with a long scarf. She got into the car, waved to her friends, and said, “Good-bye, my friends, I am going to my glory.” When the car started, her six-foot-long scarf got caught in the back wheel. The scarf tightened and broke her neck. Isadora Duncan died instantly19, tragically, horribly, and the world was upset20 for a few hours and then went about its business21. But those who had loved her and who knew her dream of beauty mourned22 her passing of a human creature who had been an honest builder of dreams. She had done more for the art of the dance than any other man or woman in history. 






1. enduring adj. 持久的,不朽的
2. lottery n. 抽彩
3. auction n. 拍卖
4. governess n. 保姆
5. instill v. 慢慢地灌输
6. take precedence (over) 优先于
7. accomplishment n. 成就,成绩
8. interpretive adj. 解释的,阐明的
9. rhythm n.节奏
10. formality n. 拘谨形式
11. apparel n. 衣服,服饰
12. passionate adj. 热情的,充满激情的
13. ultimately  adv. 最后,终于
14. substantial adj. 大量的;丰盛的
15. elaborate adj. 精心制作的
16. interpretation n. 诠释,解释,阐明
17. autobiography n. 自传
18. periodical n. 期刊
19. instantly  adv. 立即,马上
20. upset v. 扰乱,打乱
21. go about one's business 各自忙自己的事情
22. mourn v. 对(不幸等)感到痛心