

So what's going on here? You're jealous!

The Green-Eyed Monster4
  When it comes to ruining friendships, few emotions beat the green-eyed monster, jealousy. What makes it so powerful—and so potentially destructive? With everyone from parents to teachers to TV shows telling you to “just be yourself,” a sudden longing to be more like somebody else can be confusing! Your self-confidence suffers. You start worrying that you're not “good enough,” even though you were good enough just yesterday. Then the resentment creeps in: “She's so perfect! She gets everything, and I get nothing.” And to top it off5, you feel guilty, too. How can you resent someone else's success or good fortune like that—especially if she's your friend? (What kind of person are you, anyway?) Between being down on6 yourself, resenting your friend, and the guilt, you're totally miserable…and as if that isn't bad enough, your friendship suffers, too.
  Yet jealousy is perfectly normal. In fact, it's a pretty safe bet that every single girl you know has felt it. After all, we live in a competitive world, where girls are expected to strive to be “the best” (even while they're being themselves!). Seeing someone who is better at anything can sting, even if we know deep down7 that nobody's perfect.
  So what can you do about it? You can't help feeling jealous, right? Maybe not, but you can keep jealousy from running your life. The key is to stop it from turning into all those other thoughts and feelings. And the first step to doing that is to own up to8 the feeling—at least to yourself. Just admit it: You're jealous! (Was that so hard?)
  The next step? Remind yourself that feeling jealous has nothing to do with being “good enough.” No matter how talented or beautiful or accomplished, every human being feels jealous sometimes, not just those of us who aren't good enough—whatever that means. If you can truly accept that everyone has both talents and flaws, you'll see that it's pointless to focus all your powerful energy on wishing you were someone more perfect, because there's just no such thing.
  Now let's go back to the idea that you can't help how you feel. That's certainly true enough…but you can help how you act on those feelings. If you want your friendships to survive the occasional attack of the green-eyed monster, it's important to understand that jealousy is never an excuse for treating a friend badly. Is it your BFF's9 fault that she makes every basket she throws or can sing like Kelly Clarkson? Of course not! So don't pout or brood or bite her head off10…instead, turn that jealousy into a compliment. Did she make an awesome11 catch today? Does her new haircut make her look like a movie star? Tell her so! Believe it or not, you'll feel better—and she will, too.


The Flip Side12
  But what about those times when you're the object of envy? What if your friend is the one who's jealous—and handling it badly? You can't change her behavior, but you can act in ways that will make her feel better and help save your friendship, too.


Don't try to convince anyone that you're perfect.
  Sometimes we feel as though we have to be perfect to be loved, but think about it: Do you want your friends to be flawless? Don't think so! So let your buds13 in on the truth: You face challenges and problems, just like anyone. If they know that your soccer skills come from years of practice (and many bruises), they'll be more likely to sincerely celebrate your successes on the field. If they know that you sometimes oversleep, look awful, or get in trouble, they'll sympathize when disaster strikes, instead of thinking, “Ha! She finally messed up14!”


Admire your friend's strengths.
  Would you look away, unimpressed, if someone turned a flawless cartwheel15? Of course not. Now take it one step further. If your best friend has beautiful hair, makes blueberry pancakes to die for16, or knows exactly what to do in an emergency, tell her how much you admire those qualities. If she knows you're sincere, she'll find it much easier to appreciate your talents without wishing they were her own.


Never say, “You're just jealous!”
  Even if it's true, you won't gain anything—she'll just be even more upset with you. Instead, give her some time to get over it. Soon she'll be acting like herself again.


Avoid the Queen of Jealousy.
  It's easy to see that a friend who treats you badly because she's jealous  isn't acting like a friend. But what about a friend who looks up to you so much that she seems to think you're better than she is? Our advice: Be very careful. The adoration may be flattering at first, but that sort of friend may have dangerously low self-esteem. Sooner or later, she's bound to17 start resenting you—and taking it out on18 your friendship.
  Even in girls with lots of self-confidence, jealousy can sometimes spring up where you least expect it. But if you know how to handle it, the green-eyed monster doesn't have to threaten the friendships you care so much about. In fact, there's even some good that can come from jealousy. Think about it: That little sting of envy springs from deep admiration, right? So let that admiration spur19 you to action. If you admire your friend's success at science competitions, consider your own talents and interests, and find a way to go after that kind of success for yourself. Instead of letting the green-eyed monster make you miserable, turn it to your advantage. In the long run20, you'll benefit—and so will your friendships.









1. honestly  adv. 实在地
2. talent competition 才艺大赛
3. churn up 搅动,扰乱
4. green-eyed monster (修辞)嫉妒
5. to top it off 更妙的是;最糟的是
6. be down on 对某人感到/表达不满
7. deep down (口语)实际上;在心底
8. own up to 坦白地承认

9. BFF(缩写)=best female friend
10. pout [paut] v. 噘嘴,板脸,不高兴
brood  v. 沮丧
bite one's head off 愤怒地指责某人
11. awesome  adj.(口语)很好
12. flip side 唱片的反面;引申为反面、另一面
13. bud n.(口语)朋友
14. mess up 弄糟某事物
15. cartwheel  n.(体操)侧翻动作
16. die for (口语)非常喜爱

17. be bound to 一定做某事
18. take sth. out on sb.(因生气、失望等)向某人发泄
19. spur  v. 激发
20. in the long run 从长远看,最终