The Last Czar Nicholas Ⅱ|末代沙皇——尼古拉二世


The heir of Russia's once powerful Romanov dynasty1 fell victim to2 bad decision, bad luck, and the tide of history.
  At the dawn of the 20th century, the mighty Romanov family had ruled the vast Russian empire for nearly 300 years. By 1918, the last Romanov Czar3, Nicholas Ⅱ, and his family were prisoners of Russia's new government in a remote coal-mining city in the Ural Mountains. The outlook was grim.
  This never would have happened to the previous Czar, the powerful autocrat4 Alexander Ⅲ. But Nicholas was not like his father. “What am I going to do? What is going to happen to me?” the 26-year-old Nicholas fretted5 when he became Czar, after Alexander died unexpectedly in 1894. Later, Nicholas called being Czar “the awful job I have feared all my life.”
  In the end, the awful job would destroy him. Neither his devoted wife, Alexandra, nor his rank and power could save the last  Czar.

Bloody Sunday
  When Nicholas came to the throne, Russia was a rigidly6 structured society, with a large gap between the poor and the nobility7. During the 19th century, a series of unsuccessful revolts had shaken that system. Now, the next wave of discontent was building.
  Nicholas tried to be the autocrat his father had been. But indecision8 had choices, and bad luck worked against him. A war with Japan over Korea and Manchuria9 in 1904-1905 ended in a humiliating loss for Russia. Many began to see the Czar as a weak leader.
  On a bitter-cold day in January 1905, 200,000 workers assembled at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia's capital under the Romanovs. The peaceful marchers asked for civil liberties10 (individual rights) and an end to the war. Nervous policemen opened fire, killing at least 130.
  Bloody Sunday, as the day was called, set off more strikes and riots11. Nicholas partly calmed tensions by granting the people and elected Duma12 (lower house of parliament). But when he dismissed the first Duma, and then the second, unrest redoubled.


  In August 1904, the royal couple's only son, Alexis, had been born with hemophila13 (a serious blood disease). Distraught14, Alexandra prayed for a miracle.
  In 1908, a certain holy man from Siberia, who claimed to have healing powers, was summoned15 to the palace. Called Rasputin, from the Russian word for scandalous behavior, he at first appeared to cure the boy.
  The grateful Alexandra fell under Rasputin's spell16. Soon, he was using her protection to make and attack powerful enemies in the government and aristocracy17. The grumbling18 against Rasputin grew ominous19.


War and Revolution
  World War I, which broke out in 1914, was a terrible burden on the Russia people. The Russia Army suffered huge losses. Breadlines stretched throughout Petrograd (as St. Petersburg was then called). People died in unheated rooms.
  In August 1915, Nicholas set out for the battlefront20 to direct the war effort, leaving Alexandra—and Rasputin—in charge of the government. Their handling of affairs was disastrous21. The situation got so bad, a group of influential men, including a cousin of the Czar, assassinated22 Rasputin in December 1916.
  Nicholas was at the front on March 8, 1917, when workers in Petrograd spontaneously23 went on strike. A few days later, soldiers joined the demonstrations24.
  Finally, even the Czar's generals demanded that he abdicate25 (give up) the throne. Two members of the Duma went to his private railcar on March 15 to obtain his resignation. “Do you think it might have been avoided?” he asked them, to their amazement.


Too Dangerous to Live
  Nicholas and his family were placed under house arrest26 by Russia's Provisional27 Government. The family was moved twice—finally, in April 1918, to a house in faraway Ekaterinburg28. On July 16, 1918, soldiers took the family to the basement of the house and

  这一切绝对不会发生在老沙皇、独断专行的亚历山大三世身上。但是,尼古拉不像他的父亲。“这如何是好?我该怎么办?”1894年,亚历山大突然驾崩, 26岁的尼古拉登上了沙皇的宝座,茫然不知所措。后来,尼古拉谈到自己登上皇位是“我一生中最可怕糟糕的事情。”







1. Romanov Dynasty: 罗曼诺夫王朝
2. fall victim to 成为...受害者(或牺牲品)
3. Czar  n. (1917年以前的)俄国沙皇,皇帝,专制独裁者
4. autocrat ] n. 独裁者
5. fret [fret] v. 焦急
6. rigidly adv. 严格地
7. nobility  n. 高贵,贵族
8. indecision  n. 优柔寡断
9.  Manchuria ] n. 满洲(中国东北的旧称)
10. civil liberty 公民自由

11. riot  n. 暴动
12. Duma  n. 杜马(俄皇时代的国会,俄罗斯议会)
13. hemophilia  n. 血友病
14. distraught  adj. 发疯的
15. summon  v. 召唤,号召
16. spell n. 魔咒
17. aristocracy  n. 贵族
18. grumble  v. 抱怨,发牢骚
19. ominous  adj. 恶兆的,不吉利的
20. battlefront  n. 前线
21. disastrous  adj. 损失惨重的
22. assassinate  v. 暗杀,行刺
23. spontaneously  adv. 自发地
24. demonstration ] n. 游行
25. abdicate  v. 退位,放弃(职位、权力等)
26. be placed under arrest 在拘留中
27. provisional  adj. 临时的
28. Ekaterinburg  n. 叶卡特琳堡(前苏联乌拉尔地区的斯维尔德洛夫斯克)