One Breath English (14)|一口气英语(14)


34. I'd like a round-trip ticket.

I'm going to New York.
I'm leaving next Friday.
I'd like a round-trip ticket.

I want to go economy.
Do you have special fares?
Do you have promotional rates?

My departure time is flexible.
I don't mind a stopover.
I want an unbeatable price.


(1)  I'm going to New York. 我要去纽约。
 I'm flying to New York.(我要搭飞机去纽约。)
 I want to go to New York.(我想去纽约。)
 I'd like to fly to New York.(我想搭飞机去纽约。)
 I'd like a ticket to New York.(我想预定到纽约的机票。)
(2)  I'm leaving next Friday. 我下星期五走。
 这句话也可以说成:I plan to leave next Friday.(我打算下星期五走。)
       I want to leave next Friday.(我想要下星期五走。)
       I plan to fly out next Friday.(我打算下星期五搭飞机走。)【fly out 搭机离去】
        I'm leaving Friday.
        I'm leaving on Friday.
        I'm leaving this Friday.
(3)  I'd like a round-trip ticket. 我要一张来回票。
      【比较】I'd like a round-trip ticket.【常用】
                  I'd like to buy a round-trip ticket.【少用】
      如果你要买的是单程票,你就可以说:I'd like a one-way ticket.(我要一张单程票。)(4)  I want to go economy. 我要坐经济舱。
      【比较】I want economy.【常用】(我要经济舱。)
                  I want economy class.【常用】(我要经济舱。)
                  I want to go economy.【最常用】(我要坐经济舱去。)
      这句话也可以说成:I want to travel economy.(我要坐经济舱。)
                                        I want to fly economy.(我要坐经济舱。)
      可以说go economy,却不能说go business 或go first。
      【比较】I want to go economy.(我要坐经济舱去。)【可说go economy class】
                  I want to go business class.(我要坐商务舱去。)【不可说go business】
                  I want to go first class.(我要坐头等舱去。)【不可说go first】
(5)  Do you have special fares? 你们有没有特价票?
       Do you have any special deals?【常用】(你们有没有特别划算的价钱?)
       Do you have any bargains?(你们有没有便宜的价钱?)
       Do you have any special rates?(你们有没有特别的价钱?)
       Do you have any discount prices?(你们有没有打折的价钱?)
       Do you have any reduced rates?【最少用】(你们有没有打折的价钱?)
(6)  Do you have promotional rates? 你们有没有促销价?
      航空公司为了宣传,往往会推出promotional rates(促销价),买票的时候问一问,
(7)  My departure time is flexible. 我的出发时间很有弹性。
      这句话也可以说成:I can go anytime.(我任何时候去都可以。)
                                        I can depart anytime.(我任何时候离开都可以。)
                                        I can leave any time.(我任何时候离开都可以。)
      也有美国人说:I'm willing to fly anytime.(我愿意任何时候搭机。)
(8)  I don't mind a stopover. 我不介意中途停留。
      也可以说成:I don't mind a layover.
(9)  I want an unbeatable price. 我要最棒的价钱。
      They are an unbeatable team. (= Their team can't be beat.)(他们是最棒的团队。)
      Their prices are unbeatable. (= Their prices can't be beat.)(他们的价钱最好。)
      Their service is unbeatable. (= Their service can't  be beat.)(他们的服务是最好 的。)


A: I'm going to New York.
B: Good choice.
     It's a great city.
     It's the perfect time to go.
A: I'm leaving next Friday.
B: Friday is convenient.
     There are more flights on Friday.
     Leave early and beat the afternoon rush.
A: I'd like a round-trip ticket.
B: You got it.
     It's no problem at all.
     I'll get you a round-trip ticket.
A: I want to go economy.
B: That might be difficult.
     Economy class is usually full.
    You might have to go standby.

35. Airport Check-in

   I'm checking in.
   Here's my ticket and passport.
   I have two bags and one carry-on.

   I want an aisle seat.
   I want to sit in the front.
   Can you get me a first row seat?

   How about the emergency row?
   Please try your best.
   I appreciate your effort.

(1) I'm checking in. 我要办登机手续。
I want to check in.(我要办登机手续。)
I'd like to check in.(我要办登机手续。)
I'm here to check in.(我来办登机手续。)
(2) Here's my ticket and passport. 这是我的机票和护照。
我们中国人说“飞机票”,美国人只说ticket,只有在需要区别时,他们才说air ticket或plane ticket。
【例】I have a bus ticket for you. I couldn't get an air ticket.(我 买了客运车票给你。我买不到飞机票。)
【比较】Here's my ticket.(这是我的机票。)
        Here are our tickets.(这是我们的机票。)
但是要注意,Here is/are或There is/are之后,若有两个以上的名词,以靠近动词的名词单复数为准。
【例】Here is a pen and a pencil. Which do you prefer?
(3) I have two bags and one carry-on. 我有两件行李要托运,还有一件手提行李。
美国人最常用的是bag,机场柜台人员常问:How many bags are you checking in?(你有几件行李要托运?)【check in在此作“托运”讲】
【比较】I have two bags to check in.【最常用】
        I have two pieces to check in.【常用】
        I have two pieces of luggage to check in.【正确,但美国人几乎不用】
        I have two pieces of baggage to check in.【正确,但美国人不用】
语法上,luggage和baggage都是不可数名词。但美国人生活步调加快,语言也因此而简化,既然有了bag这个简单的字,就不需要用baggage,更不要说two pieces of baggage了。
carry-on这个词可以当名词也可以当形容词用。现在美国人日常生活中,大都把carry-on bag(随身手提行李)简化成carry-on或carryon。
【比较】I have two carry-on.【最常用】
        I have two carry-on bags.【常用】
【例】Most airlines allow only one carry-on.(大部分航空公司只允许携带一件手提行李。)
(4) I want an aisle seat. 我要靠走道的座位。
在柜台check in的时候,他们通常会问:Would you like an aisle or window seat?(你要靠走道还是靠窗的座位?),如果你想要靠走道的座位,你可以回答:
I'd like an aisle seat.【最常用】(我想要靠走道的座位。)
I prefer an aisle seat.【最常用】(我比较喜欢靠走道的座位。)
Can you get me an aisle seat?【较常用】(你能不能给我靠走道的座位?)
Can you put me in an aisle seat?【常用】(你可以安排我靠走道坐的座位吗?)
Can I have an aisle seat?【较常用】(我可以坐靠走道的座位吗?)
I need an aisle seat.【较不常用】(我需要靠走道的座位。)
(5) I want to sit in the front. 我要坐前面的座位。
这句话也可说成:I want to sit near the front.(我要坐靠近前面的座位。)I want(我要)可说成I'd like(我想要)或 I prefer(我比较喜欢)。
(6) Can you get me a first row seat? 你能不能给我第一排的座位?
【例1】Can you get me a cup of hot water?(你能不能帮我拿杯热开水?)
【例2】Can you get me an appointment with Dr. Smith?(你能不能帮我安排史密斯医生看病?)
【例3】Can I get you something?(要我拿点东西吗?)
Can you get me a first row seat?也可以说成Can you get me a seat in the first  row?意思都是“你能不能给我一个第一排的座位?”first可以用front取代。
【比较】Can you get me a seat in the front row?(你能不能给我一个第一排的座位?)
        Can you get me a seat in the front?(你能不能给我一个前面的座位?)
这两句话意义不同,a seat in the front row是指“最前排的一个座位”,即“第一排的一个座位”(a seat in the first row或a first row seat)。但in the front是指“在前面的”,不一定是第一排。
(7) How about the emergency row? 紧急出口旁的那排座位怎么样?
每架飞机都有数个紧急出口(emergency exit),靠近紧急出口的那排座位称作emergency row,这排座位空间较大。起飞时,空中小姐就坐在你对面,坐在这里既舒适,又可以和美丽的空姐聊天,也可以随时请她们为你服务。在柜台check in时,想要求坐emergency row的座位,你可以说:
Can you try the emergency row?(你能不能试试看,给我紧急出口旁的那排座位?)
Are there any emergency row seats open?(紧急出口旁的那排座位有空位吗?)
Any chance I can sit in the emergency row?
= (Is there any chance I...?)(我有机会坐在紧急出口旁的那排座位吗?)
(8) Please try your best. 请你尽量试试。
同类的还有:Please do your best.(请尽力。)
Please do the best you can do.(请尽量做你能做的。)
See what you can do.(看你能为我做什么。)
No matter what, I appreciate it.(无论结果怎样,我都感谢你。)
【No matter what源自No matter what happens(美国人不说)】
(9) I appreciate your effort. 辛苦了,谢谢你。
Thanks for your help.(谢谢你的帮忙。)
Thank you so much for your help.(非常感谢你的帮忙。)
(10) 补充说明
登机手续办完,可以再问一句:Is this flight full?(这班飞机客满了吗?),如果对方回答:It's not full.(不满。),这时你就要最后一个上飞机,可以自己选择空位,以便起飞后,能躺在整排座位上睡觉。如果回答是:It's full.(座位满了)或It's almost full.(座位几乎满了),你就要早点登机,以便把手提行李顺利放在行李架上;否则你最后登机,搞不好,就没有位子放你的行李。


A: I'm checking in.
B: Welcome!
  Thank you for choosing our airline.
  May I see your ticket, please?
A: Here's my ticket and passport.
B: Thank you.
  Let me check everything.
  I'll verify your information.
A: I have two bags and one carry-on.
B: Please tag your bags.
  Let's weigh your bags.
  That's my job.
A: I want an aisle seat.
B: I have bad news.
  The aisle seats are all booked.
  How about a window or middle seat?