Tombstones of the Famous|名人墓碑


Theodore Roosevelt
Born: October 27, 1858, in New York City.
Died: January 6, 1919, at Sagamore Hill, in Oyster Bay, New York.
Buried: Young's Memorial Cemetery1, in Oyster Bay.
Brief History: After graduating from Harvard University in 1880, Roosevelt started a political career, lasting 27 years. Always loyal and traditional, he believed the country should change gradually. He rose through the political ranks and became governor of New York. In 1900, William Mckinley made him his vice president. When Mckinley was assassinated2 he became the youngest man to become president, being only 42 years old. He then won the 1904 election.
Cause of death: Pulmonary embolism3.
Tribute: “Mr. Roosevelt owed his career and achievements to his power over the people. He was preeminently4 a man of action, but he was also a man of utterance5, extraordinarily convincing with audiences and with masses of people. He was a popular idol, not alone because he did things, but because he inspired the people to do things on their own account6.”

Richard Nixon

Born: January 9, 1913, in Yorba Linda, California.
Died: April 22, 1994, in New York City.
Buried: On grounds of Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace, in Yorba Linda.
Brief History: Having a magnetic7 personality, Nixon won his second term as President in a great victory in 1972. He earned the respect of many for the changes he made in foreign policy. This included the withdrawal of U.S. soldiers from Vietnam, which eased8 tensions with the Soviet Union and China. However, he resigned 21 months later when threatened with legal action9, by other politicians, for using his presidential power wrongly.
Cause of death: Stroke.
Tribute: “The difficulties he encountered in office may have diminished10 his Presidency, but what should be remembered are his many outstanding achievements, both foreign and domestic.”

Sigmund Freud

Born: May 6, 1856, in Freiberg, Moravia.
Died: September 23, 1939, in London.
Final resting place: Golders Green Crematorium11, in London. 
Brief History: Although a doctor and research scientist, Freud found the mind more interesting than the body. This led him to develop “psychoanalysis12,” a treatment for patients with social and mental problems. For more than 50 years, Freud counseled13 patients, lectured, and wrote many papers before fleeing to London in 1938 to escape the Nazi invasion of Austria.
Cause of death: Cancer of the mouth and jaw.
Tribute: “...Whether he was a true scientist or not, Freud's place is secure if for no other reason than14 that he broke down ancient taboos15 and cleared the way for a new approach to the mind, and hence for a real science of psychology instead of the pseudo-science16 which we now have and which is based on laboratory findings that have little relation to life. He was the most effective disturber of complacency17 in our time.”

Charlie Chaplin

Born: April 16, 1889, in London.
Died: December 25, 1977, in Vevey, Switzerland.
Buried: Vevey Cemetery, in Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland.
Brief History: His style of humor captivated18 audiences around the world. He visited America in 1910 as a theater performer before starring19 in his first film in 1914. Chaplin received two honorary Oscars (1928 and 1972) and was knighted20 by Queen Elizabeth in 1975. A statue of Chaplin was unveiled21 in 1981 in Leicester Square a few yards from one of William Shakespeare.
Cause of death: Natural causes; died peacefully in his sleep.
Tribute: “What Chaplin's Little Tramp did for movies is only part of what he did for mankind. He was and will remain the most familiar, the most human, and beloved fantasy character our century has known.”

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Born: August 30, 1797, in Somers Town, England.
Died: February 1, 1851, in Bournemouth.
Buried: St. Peter's Churchyard, in Bournemouth, Dorset, England.
Brief History: A self-educated writer and the wife of poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, became world-famous for her horror novel Frankenstein, written in 1818. Despite her success, Mary's life was full of hardship, and a number of tragedies, including the death of her mother 10 days after childbirth, the deaths of three of her own infant children, and the drowning death of her beloved husband.
Cause of death: Suspected brain tumor in left cerebral hemisphere22.
Tribute: “There are human beings who are singled out23 as the particular sport24 of the gods. Mary Shelley was one of them. She had every endowment25 except good fortune. Beauty, charm, a keen intellect, and even a touch of genius...but from the moment of her birth to within a few weeks of her death, she was cruelly tortured by circumstance.”

Clara Barton

Born: December 25, 1821, in North Oxford, Massachusetts.
Died: April 12, 1912, in Glen Echo, Maryland.
Buried: North Cemetery in Oxford, Massachusetts.
Brief History: A humanitarian26, nurse and believer in equality of the sexes. In 1861 through to end of the American Civil War she delivered medical supplies and comforted many soldiers on the battlefield. In 1870 she went on vacation to Europe and became involved with the International Red Cross, which led to her involvement in the Franco-Prussian War27. After many years of trying to establish the American Red Cross Society the United States government finally agreed in 1881. She was appointed presidency of the organization.
Cause of death: Chronic pneumonia.
Tribute: “Clara Barton was a woman of remarkable executive28 skill, of unbounded29 enthusiasm, inspired by human ideas...and her name became a household word30, associated in the public mind with goodness and mercy.”














1. cemetery   n. 墓地,公墓
2. assassinate    v. 暗杀,行刺
3. pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞 
pulmonary    adj. 肺部的;embolism [?謖emb?藜liz?藜m] n. 栓塞
4. preeminently    adv. 卓越地,杰出地
5. utterance    n. 口才;言词
6. on one's own account 为自身利益;责任自负;依靠自己
7. magnetic   adj. 有魅力的,有吸引力的
8. ease   v. 减轻,缓和
9. legal action 诉讼
10. diminish    v. 减损;贬低
11. crematorium    n. 火葬场
12. psychoanalysis    n. 心理分析(学),精神分析(学)

13. counsel    v. 提出建议,忠告
14. no other than 不是别的,正是
15. taboo   n. 禁忌,避讳
16. pseudo-science   n. 伪科学
17. complacency    n. 自满,自鸣得意
18. captivate  v. 迷惑,迷住
19. star v. 担任主角
20. knight [nait] v. 授以爵位
21. unveil   v. 揭幕;揭示

22. cerebral hemisphere 大脑半球 
cerebral    adj. 大脑的;hemisphere    n. 半球
23. single out 挑选
24. sport n. 玩弄的对象;娱乐,消遣
25. endowment   n. 天资,天赋
26. humanitarian    n. 人道主义者
27. Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871年法国同普鲁士进行的一场大规模战争
28. executive    adj. 管理的;执行的
29. unbounded    adj. 无边际的,无限的
30. household word 家喻户晓的词