G-o-o-o-a-a-a-l-l-l !|射门


Running as fast as my small legs could carry me, I concentrated on the black-and-white object1 spinning2 ahead, and realized that this was my chance. This is my dream come true. I had a jump on the others, and it was all up to me! I looked behind me and saw the yellow jerseys3 and green shorts of my teammates. They looked like a swarm4 of bees, all headed toward the soccer ball. I saw the faces of my opponents and could tell that some of them were running really hard. They wanted the ball, but it was mine, all mine!
  I ran up to the ball and give it a tremendous5 kick. It scooted6 farther down the field, and again I sprinted7 after it. The other players gained on8 me, but I was nearing the goal. The confused look on the goalie's9 face told me that he wasn't ready to make a save. The rooting section10 on the sideline was chanting, “Kick it! Kick it! Kick the ball!”
  I wound up and toed the ball as hard as I could. It bounced into the net, past the scrambling goalie. I went wild! I had just scored my first real goal!
  I ran back to my teammates. Some were cheering and celebrating with me, but most of them had their arms crossed, with scowls11 on their faces and annoyed looks in their eyes. They wanted to score that goal, but I had! Ha! Ha! I looked to my mom and dad on the sideline. They were laughing with some other parents. This is just too cool! I'd scored my first ever goal—for the other team!


1. 此处指足球
2. spin [spin] v. 旋转
3. jersey  n. 运动衫
4. swarm  n. 群
5. 此处意为:奋力一踢  tremendous  adj. 极大的
6. scoot  v. 溜走
7. sprint [sprint] v. 疾跑
8. gain on 逼近
9. goalie  n. 守门员
10. rooting section 喝彩的人群
11. scowl [skaul] n. 怒目而视