Caught in the Middle|进退维谷


STEP ONE: Figure out if there's really a problem.

  Maybe it's OK that two of your favorite people roll their eyes at the thought of5 each other. Surprised? The good news is that it's possible to be friends with6 people who don't like each other. It all depends on how you—and they—handle it. Brianna and Autumn have never gotten along, but Kelly still manages to be close to both of them. As long as they don't say mean things about each other to Kelly and can be nice to each other during her birthday party...well, who cares that they're not best buds? When you make a new friend, you don't have to be accepted by every single one of her friends. The same goes for your friends. If they don't bond, it's not the end of the world.
  On the other hand, it's a lot harder if your feuding7 friends used to be close. In that case, is it possible to stay friends with two girls who are no longer friends with each other and not feel caught in the middle? Yes—but it takes effort and patience to get through that in-between time when you're all learning how to relate to each other in a new way.
  Do you have a friend problem or just two pals who don't connect? Ask yourself these questions:
● Do they fight whenever they're around each other?
● Do they say mean things about each other to you?
● Are they pressuring you to take sides or act as a go-between?
● Did the three of you spend a lot of time together until very recently?
  If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you're caught in the middle.

STEP TWO: Tell them both how you feel.

  You may not want to get involved. But guess what? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, your friends' fight is now your business too, like it or not8. They're involving you, and their feelings about each other are getting in the way of your friendships. You can't just sit there while they throw couch cushions at each other, occasionally mumbling9, “Hey, I'm not taking sides10!” So what are you supposed to do?
  The most important thing is to express your feelings both of them. Make sure they understand that you're not planning to choose between them.
  Even if you're clear and direct, your friends may try to drag you into their fight. “Yeah, I understand how you feel, but did you hear what she said about me?” Remember, each of your friends is deeply involved in her side of the fight, so at first she may feel like you're not being supportive. Be patient with her... but stick to your position.

STEP THREE: Don't get involved in their fight—get involved in making your friendship work.

  Your friends may call on you to play a role in their drama—to judge who's right, pass messages, or just be a willing audience. The thought of staying in the loop might sound appealing to you too, because if you solve their problem, you'll be a hero! But really, what they're asking of11 you is not fair. No matter what you say, you'll most likely end up with12 someone mad at you. And besides, what could be more painful than watching your two friends be mean to each other? No thanks13!
  You can, however, take positive action to improve things without getting involved in the actual argument. If they say they don't want to be around each other for a while, hang out with them separately. It'll be easier to stay out of their fight, and you'll prove to them both that your friendship doesn't depend on their friendship. After some time has passed, you can try suggesting that all three of you get together again, but don't pressure them.
  On the other hand, if you feel your friends have simply had a misunderstanding or if they seem to want to make up14, you can help them along. Let each know the other is interested, and then invite them both over—but make it clear that you won't stand around watching them fight. It's possible that they'll make up and you'll become an inseparable trio. But if it doesn't happen, that's OK too. You can't force them to be friends—but you can ask them to be a good friend to you.


● 她俩只要在一起就斗嘴吗?
● 她俩在你面前互相指责吗?




  另一方面,如果你觉得她俩仅仅是有了误会,或者她俩似乎想要和解,你可以帮她们走到一起。让她俩各自了解对方的意愿,然后把俩人邀过来——但是一定要讲清楚,你可不会看着她们争起来。有可能她俩重归于好,你们仨又可以形影不离了。但是,如果不行的话,也没什么了不起的。你不可以强迫她们成为朋友 ——但是,你却可以让她们都成为你的好朋友。


1. blow over 平息,过去
2. resentment  n. 怨恨,愤恨
3. end up 结束
4. throw up one's hands 绝望
5. at the thought of 一想起
6. be friends with 与…交友,与…交朋友
7. feud  v. 长期不和
8. like it or not 不管你喜不喜欢
9. mumble  v. 喃喃而语,咕哝
10. take sides 偏袒
11. ask sth. of sb. 要求某人(做)某事
12. end up with 以…告终
13. No thanks! 别管闲事!
14. make up 和解