How to Say No!|怎样说“不”


When is it important to be able to say no?
When you have a bad feeling deep down in your stomach about something and you know it's not right. It's important not to be bullied1 by peer2 pressure. It's also important to say no when something is dangerous, and especially if you feel like it's just something you wouldn't normally do.

What should you do if you want to say no, but are scared you'll hurt someone's feelings?
It's always better to tell the truth rather than lie to someone. In the next 10 days or six months, they're not really going to remember that you said no to them. They'll remember if you lied more than if you told them the truth. Just say it in your own words and as nicely3 as possible.

What if you want to say no to someone, but you're scared they'll get mad?
You could always write them a letter and explain the situation to them, or speaking over the phone is sometimes better. But whatever you do it's always best to approach4 the situation with complete honesty.


What should you do if you find yourself doing something you don't want to be doing?
You have to be honest and tell people you're not comfortable doing it. They'll respect you more if you tell them what you think.


What if you'd like to help someone out, but you just don't have time?
You've got to prioritize5. Like, if you have important schoolwork to do, that comes first. Just explain to the person that you have to do your work and you'll help them out if you have any time left over. But you definitely6 have to balance your friends and schoolwork.


If one of your friends says no to you, does it mean she doesn't like you?
No, I don't think so. If your friend says she can't do something, then she's obviously telling you the truth. It's probably got nothing at all to do with7 your friendship.







1. bully  v. 欺侮
2. peer  n. 同辈,同等的人
3. nicely  adv. 好好地,礼貌地
4. approach  v. 处理,对待
5. prioritize v. 分轻重
6. definitely  adv. 肯定地
7. have nothing to do with… 与…毫无关系