One Breath English (11)|一口气英语(11)


28. We're ready to order.

We're ready to order.
We know what we want.
Can you take our order now?

I'll have the special.
She'll try the combo.
We both want salads with that.

Ice water for her.
Hot water for me.
That's it for now.
(1) We're ready to order. 我们要点菜了。
中文里的“要”,就相当于英文里的be ready(准备好)。在餐厅里,你只要说We're ready,服务生就知道你要点菜了。美国人的习惯是,在高级餐厅里并不会招手呼喊服务生,而只是身体移动一下,或用眼神表示他们要点菜了即可,一般美国人在餐厅里等服务生,都很有耐心。
【比较】We're ready to order.【最常用】
            We're all set to order. 【常用】
(2) We know what we want. 我们决定好了。
在有些餐厅里,一进去服务生就会问你:“Do you know what you want or would you like to see a menu?”意思是“你要吃什么?或是你想要看菜单吗?”如果你回答“We know what we want.”,意思就是“我们已经决定好了,我们要点菜了。”
【例1】We're regular customers.(我们是老主顾了。)
【例2】We eat here very often.(我们常来这里吃。)
           A: Can I get you a menu?(要不要拿菜单给你看?)
           B: No, thanks. I know what I want.(不,谢谢。我决定好了。)
           I'll have Meal No. 1. (我要1号餐。)【不可说成a Meal No. 1】
【例3】店员:Do you need any help?(你需要帮忙吗?)
           顾客:No, thank you. I know what I want.(不用,谢谢。我知道我要什么。我可以自己拿。)
(3) Can you take our order now? 你现在可以帮我们点菜吗?
take one's order主要意思是“接受某人的命令”(= take an order from sb.),在这里作“接受某人点菜”解。
               Can you take our order now?【表示一个人点所有人的菜】 
               Can you take our orders now? (= Can you take all of our orders now?)
【比较2】Can you take our order now?【常用,较客气】
               We'd like to order now.【常用,一般客气】
               We want to order now.【较不客气】
(4) I'll have the special. 我要点特餐。
也可以说成:I'll have the special of the day.或I'll have today's special.(我要今日特餐。)
special和house special都是指“特餐”,通常是便宜的,而specialty是指“招牌菜”,是该店最有名的菜。
(5) She'll try the combo. 她要点总汇。
combo这个字在一般英文字典上都找不到,但在美国餐厅里常常使用,把各种食物综合在一起,称作combo,这个字源自combination,可能因为美国人喜欢简化,于是发明了combo,如:seafood combo(海鲜总汇)、Italian combo(意大利总汇)、cheese combo(吉士总汇)等,但“综合水果盘”称作fruit platter。
(6) We both want salads with that. 我们俩都要附沙拉。
【例1】I'd like a garden salad with French dressing.(我要庭园沙拉,附法式沙拉酱。)
【例2】I'll have tea with a slice of lemon.(我要茶,附一片柠檬。)
(7) Ice water for her. 她要杯冰水。
     【比较】Ice water for her.【常用】
                 Please bring her ice water.【正】
                 Please bring ice water for her.【正,少用】
(8) That's it for now. 我现在就先点这些。
That's it. 是惯用语,意思是“就这样;就这些。”,等于That's all.点完了菜,你就可以说That's it. 或That's all. 加上for now。讲这句话会让服务生比较高兴,因为你可能还会再点,在美国餐厅里,你点的东西越多,服务生的小费越多。
That's it for now.(我现在就点这些。)
= That's all for now.
= That'll be good for now.
= That'll be enough for now.
29. Eat up!

Eat up!
Eat some more!
Eat as much as you can.
Fill up!
Keep eating.
You can eat more than that.

Don't be polite.
You can't be full!
You can do better than that!


(1) Eat up! 吃啊!
     在所有的字典,只找到eat sth. up,都找不到Eat up! 这个惯用句,只有NTC American Slang Dictionary 中有说明。这句话是用来催促你的朋友吃东西。
【例1】Come on! Eat up!(快来吃啊!)
【例2】Eat up! There's plenty more.(吃啊!还有很多。)
注意:eat up 和 eat sth. up 意思完全不同:
【比较】Eat up!(吃啊!)【催促别人吃东西】
            Eat it up!(吃完!)【表示别剩下】
但是,Drink up! 等于Finish your drink! 意思只有“喝完!”没有“喝吧!”的意思。
(2) Eat some more! 多吃一点!
     这句话的意思是“再多吃一点!”也可说成Eat more!(多吃一点!)
(3) Eat as much as you can. (尽量吃。)
      = Eat as much as possible.【较常用】
      = Eat as much as you possibly can.【常用】
(4) Fill up! 尽量吃!
fill的主要意思是“填满”,fill up主要意思是“把……加满油”,例如你到加油站,你可以和加油站员工说:Fill it up.(把油加满。)人吃饭和汽车加油一样,也用fill up。有幽默的意味。fill up在此是及物、不及物两用的动词短语,所以也可说成:Fill yourself up. 这两个短语都很常用。
【比较】Fill up!(尽量吃!)【一般语气】
            Fill yourself up!(尽量吃吧!)【语气较强】
   【例1】A: Fill up! There're a lot more.(尽量吃!还有很多。)
              B: I'm working on it.(我正在努力。)
   【例2】A: Fill up! You can do it!(尽量吃,你吃得下的!)
              B: I'm about to burst.(我的肚子快要撑破了。)
(5) Keep eating. 继续吃。
这句话中国人不会说,因为它代表了美国文化。美国人在家吃饭,大家全部就座后才开始,每盘食物用传递的方式,每人各取自己的份量,通常吃完以后,不好意思再拿,于是就有了keep eating. 这句话,叫别人“继续吃。”就像中国人说的“多吃一点。”
(6) You can eat more than that. 你可以再多吃一点。
   Don't stop.(不要停止。)
   Eat as much as you can.(尽量吃。)
   You can eat more than that.(你可以再多吃一点。)
(7) Don't be polite.(不要那么客气。)
   Don't be afraid to eat up.(尽管吃啊。)
   Don't be afraid to eat more.(尽管多吃一点。)
   Don't be afraid to eat as much as you can.(别担心,吃越多越好。)
(9) You can't be full! 你不可能吃饱了!
You can't be finished.(你不可能吃完,不吃了。)
You can't be done already.(你不可能已经吃完,不吃了。)
(10) You can do better than that! 你可以再多吃一点。
This is below your ability.(你这次表现失常喔。)
I'm disappointed.(我很失望。)
You can do better than that.(你可以做得更好。)
【例】Your score was just average.(你的成绩平平。)
        You can do better.(你可以表现得更好。)
【比较】You can do better.【最常用,语气轻松】
            You can do a lot better.【常用,语气较强】
            You can do a lot better than that.【常用,语气最强】