An Open Letter from an 18-year-old Girl to Her Mot


Dear Mom,
  When I was little, I remember going everywhere with you. I was like an extra limb attached to your body1. Now that I'm almost ready to step off into the “real world,” I want you to know that I'll always be your little blonde2 5-year-old with crayons3 up her nose. But I also want you to know that even though I'll always be your baby, I don't want you to treat me like one.
  I know you don't approve of some of my habits: You can't stand that I procrastinate4 on almost everything. But please stop trying to change me if I don't want to change myself. You can't expect me to follow the new diet5 you're on if I like my body. I don't want to pick up my clothes—I like them on the floor! You don't want me to get a tattoo6 while I'm “under your roof7,” but that just means I'll probably get one as soon as I leave your house. I wish you would just accept me the way I am. Maybe you used to dream that I would be valedictorian8 or take on the family business9, so I might not have turned out10 exactly how you hoped. But please just be happy with the girl I am.
  Sometimes I feel like I can't show you the whole me because the whole me includes all the lies I've told you and the crazy things I've done. But you need to know that the values you've taught me will be there all the times. Sometimes I might make the wrong choice—but that's part of life. That's why you can't treat me like I'm a defenseless baby who's going to shatter11 the second something goes wrong. I need to learn through my mistakes. You can't worry so much that something terrible is going to happen. I'm 18 years old, I've safely been to countless parties, but you still won't accept it: I drink, Mom! I go to parties and I get drunk with my friends.
  Accepting the things I do that you might not love would made everything easier on all of us12. I could understand your concern if I was getting into something really dangerous, but if I'm on the right road and I just swerve13 from time to time, let me drive by myself. Please be there for me if I need help with homework—or with any difficulties. Be there for me when I really need you. But don't smother14 me. I might need you to hand me a road map once in a while, but please don't force me to go the direction you want.
  I want you to know that I love you no matter what, Mom. You're my role model, inspiration15, and hero. You're the most beautiful and smartest woman in the world. But remember that if I like the way I look and act, I'm probably not going to change that. So stop stalling16 the inevitable and accept that I'm growing up. Because for the rest of my life, I want nothing more than for you to be my best friend and confidant17.
Love, Natalie


1. 我就像你身后的一条小尾巴。limb [lim] n. 肢、翼
2. blonde n. 金发碧眼的女孩
3. crayon  n. 蜡笔
4. procrastinate   v. 延迟,耽搁
5. diet  n. 通常所吃的食物
6. tattoo  n. 纹身
7. under one's roof  在某人屋檐下

8. valedictorian  n. (学校)毕业致辞者
9. take on the family business 承担起家族产业
10. turn out 结果成为
11. shatter  v. 粉碎,损坏
12. 接受我的所作所为但你不喜欢的事情,会令大家都轻松一些。
13. swerve   v. 突然转向
14. smother   v. 使窒息
15. inspiration  n. 灵感
16. stall  v. (使)停驶,(使)停止
17. confidant  n. 心腹朋友,知己