Lily's Lucky Necklace|莉莉的幸运项链


Lily took her bag off and sighed1. She had been practising for the lead role2 in the school play, but it seemed she wasn't getting anywhere, and the big audition3 was soon. She hoped going to see one of her best friends, Natalie, who would make her feel better. “It's useless,” said Lily, as she sat on Nat's bed. “No matter how hard I rehearse4, I just don't think I'm good enough to get the part.” “Don't be silly,” smiled her friend. “You're really good at acting, Lil'. You just need to have more confidence in yourself.” Lily shrugged. She still wasn't convinced. “Hang on,” said Nat, jumping up and flinging her wardrobe doors open5. “I've got the perfect present for you!”

A girlie6 gift
  “Here you are,” said Natalie as she placed a colourful beaded7 necklace with a four-leaf clover8 on it in Lily's hand. “This was my grandma's. She said I should wear it whenever I needed luck.” Lily put the necklace on and felt really excited. This could be exactly what she needed to help her star9 in the school play!
  Lily went home in a very cheerful mood. She couldn't wait to start rehearsing in her bedroom and was already feeling much luckier. A few days later, on the morning of the audition, Nat visited Lily to help her pick something special to wear. But when she arrived, she found her friend in a panic10. “Oh Nat,” groaned Lily. “My audition is in an hour and I can't find my lucky necklace from you anywhere!”

A friend in need11
  “I can't go on stage without it,” said Lily, running her hands through her hair. “I need the necklace or I won't get the role!”
  “Don't    worry. It'll   be   OK,” replied Nat. “You've practised so hard, you're bound to12 get it, Lil'.” But she couldn't change Lily's mind. Her friend was far too nervous. “Look, I've got an idea,” said Nat. “You go to school and get ready, and I'll hunt for13 the necklace.” “OK, thanks, Nat,” said Lily, grabbing14 her bag. She made her way to school and changed into her audition outfit15, but couldn't help feeling nervous. Then, just two minutes before she was due on stage, Nat came running in. “Lil'! I found the necklace!” she said, excitedly. “Here, let me put it on for you.” Lily sighed with relief16 as Nat fastened the chain. She suddenly felt full of confidence and ready to perform. And it was all down to17 her lucky necklace!

Lucky Lily
  Natalie waited nervously backstage18. A few minutes later, Lily appeared with a big grin19 on her face. “It was brilliant,” she giggled. “I got the part!” They both jumped up and down, laughing.
  “That's fab20! I knew you'd do it,” said Nat, hugging her friend. “Thank you so much for finding my lucky necklace. I couldn't have performed without it,” smiled Lily. Nat looked at the floor sheepishly21. “I have to be honest with you, Lil'. That isn't your lucky necklace,” she confessed22. “ I couldn't find it, so I ran to the shop and bought an identical23 one. You got the part because you're a good actor, not because of a necklace. I hope you're not annoyed with me.” Lily looked shocked, then pleased. “'Course I'm not annoyed,” she laughed. “With you as my best friend, I know I'm already the luckiest girl in the world!”


1. sigh [sai] v. 叹气
2. lead role 主角
3. audition  n. 试演
4. rehearse  v. 彩排
5. flinging  her wardrobe doors open 猛地把衣柜门打开
6. girlie  n. (昵称) 姑娘
7. beaded  adj. 用珠子装饰的
8. clover  n. 三叶草,苜蓿
9. star v. 主演
10. in a panic  惊慌
11. a friend in need 患难朋友
12. be bound to 一定
13. hunt for 寻找
14. grab  v. 抓住
15. outfit  n. 全套服装,行头
16. relief  n. (痛苦等)减轻;宽慰
17. be down to  归功于
18. backstage  adv. 在后台
19. grin [grin] n. 露齿笑
20. fab  adj. 惊人的,难以置信的
21. sheepishly  adv. 羞怯地
22. confess  v. 承认,坦白
23. identical  adj. 同一的,同样的