One Breath English (7)|一口气英语(7)


20. I'm so lucky!

I'm so lucky!
I'm really blessed!
I'm the luckiest person in the world.

Everything is perfect.
Everything is going my way.
You are the reason why!

Thanks a bunch.
I owe you a lot.
I'm a lucky dog.

  这九句话太好用了,当你和你喜欢的人在一起时,你就可以说:I'm so lucky. I'm really blessed. 等。
(1) I'm really blessed! 我真幸福!
这句话也可说成:I feel blessed.(我觉得很幸福。)这两句的blessed是过去分词,要念成[?謖blesid]。
     [比较] I'm blessed with good health.(我幸而有健康的身体。blessed是过去分词。)
      What a blessed family!(多么幸福的家庭!blessed是形容词。)
(2) Everything is perfect. 一切都很完美。
这句话也可说成Things are perfect. 美国人也常说: Everything is great.或Things are great.都表示“一切都很好;一切都很顺利。”
(3) Everything is going my way. 我一切顺利。
go one's way ①对某人有利 ②与某人同路
这句话也可以说成:Everything is working out.(一切顺利)
(4) You are the reason why! 一切顺利都是因为你。
= It's all because of you!
= It's all due to you!
(5) Thanks a bunch. 多谢。
thanks是名词,永远要用复数,前面可加形容词,像Many thanks 这句话字面意思是“感谢一大堆”,引申为“非常感谢。”有一点幽默的味道。
在美国口语中,常用a bunch来取代a lot。如:
I owe you a bunch.(非常感谢。)
There is a bunch of food.(有好多食物。)
You're a nice bunch.(你们是一群好人。)
= You're a nice group of people.
(6) I owe you a lot. 我非常感谢你。
美国人很喜欢说I owe you. 之类的话,表示感谢,这些话让别人听起来很舒服。
I owe you.
I owe you a favor.
I owe you a lot.
I owe you a big time.
I owe you so much.
(7) I'm a lucky dog.
在中文里说“你真是好狗运。”美国人就常说 “You lucky dog.” 一模一样的意思,暗示“你不该如此幸运。”但中国人不常说“我有好狗运。”美国人却常说I'm a lucky dog 来自我幽默一番。

A: I'm so lucky!
B: You deserve it.
    You earned it.
    It's not luck.

A: I'm really blessed!
B: I agree.
    You are blessed.
    You are very fortunate.

A: Everything is perfect.
B: You're right.
    Things are great.
    Enjoy it while it lasts.

A: Everything is going my way.
B: That's great.
    Lucky you.
    Good for you.


21. Do you need a ride?

Do you need a ride?
Can I give you a lift?
How are you getting home?

Let me take you.
Let me drive you.
It's no problem at all.
Ride with me.
I enjoy your company.
It'd be my pleasure.

(1) Do you need a ride? 你要搭便车吗?
     这句话可以简化成:Need a ride?
(2) Can I give you a lift? 我能送你回家吗?(你要搭便车吗?)
Do you want a ride? [最常用]
= Do you want a lift? [最常用]
= Can I give you a ride? [最常用]
= Can I give you a lift? [最常用]
= How about a lift? [常用]
(3) How are you getting home? 你要怎么回家?
[比较] How do you get home? (你怎么回家?)
How are you getting home? (你怎么回家?)
How are you getting home? 中的home,可改成其他地点,要注意:除了home,there, school前无定冠词外,其他的名词前面,都要有定冠词。如:
How are you getting there?(你怎么去那里?)
How are you getting to school?(你怎么去上学?)
How are you getting to the movies?(你怎么去看电影?)
(4) Let me take you. 让我载你吧。
Let me drive you home.(让我载你回家。)
Let me take you to the train station.(让我载你去火车站。)
(5) Let me drive you. 让我开车载你。
Let me drive you there.(让我开车载你去那里。)
Let me drive you to the hospital. (让我开车载你去医院。)
Let me drive you. 也可说成:Let me give you a ride.
(6) It's no problem at all. 一点问题也没有。
这句话是美国人常说的No problem(没问题)的加强语气。
It's no problem at all. [最常说]
=It's no trouble at all. [常说]
=It's no bother at all. [常说]
(7) I enjoy your company. 我喜欢你陪我。
(8) It'd be my pleasure.(这将是我的荣幸。)
从It'd中,可知是条件句,省略了If从句。这句话源自:If you would ride with me, it would be my pleasure. 凡是前面有了要求的内容,后面就可以用条件句的It'd be my pleasure.
[例1] How about dinner with me?
           It'd be my pleasure.(跟我吃晚饭好吗?这将是我的荣幸。)
     [例2] Please accompany me.
                It'd be my pleasure.(请陪伴我。这将是我的荣幸。)
                It's my pleasure. 通常是别人感谢你的回答。
     [例1] A: Thank you for helping me.(谢谢你帮助我。)
                B: It's my pleasure.(这是我的荣幸;不客气。)
[例2] A: What a thoughtful gift! Thank you.(真是体贴的礼物!谢谢你。)
                B: It's my pleasure.(这是我的荣幸;不客气。)    
(9) Ride with me. 和我一起坐车。
美国人也常说:Go with me.(和我一起走。)


A: Do you need a ride?
B: Yes, I do.
     I could use one.
    Thanks for asking.
A: Can I give you a lift?
B: No, thank you.
    I already have a ride.
    I appreciate the offer.
A: How are you getting home?
B: I don't know.
    I'm not sure yet.
    I haven't decided.
A: Let me take you.
B: That would be great!
     When are you leaving?
     I'm ready whenever you are.


(22) Thanks for the ride.

Thanks for the ride.
You are a good driver.
I owe you one.
I really appreciate it.
You've helped me a lot.
You've saved me a lot of trouble.
Take care.
Drive safely.
Catch you tomorrow.
(1) Thanks for the ride. 谢谢你开车载我。
类似的说法还有:Thanks for the lift. [最常用]
Thanks for driving me. [最常用]
Thanks for taking me. [较常用]
I appreciate the ride. [常用]
(2) You are a good driver. 你很会开车。
[比较] 中文:你很会开车。
英文:You are a good driver. [最常用]
          You drive well. [常用]
          You drove very well. [极少用,也许是老一辈人用]
英文:You are a good manager. [最常用]
          You manage very well. [极少用]
(3) I owe you one. 我欠你一次人情。
你也可以只说:I owe you.(我感谢你。)也可加强语气,说成:I owe you a big one.(我欠你一次大人情。)
(4)  I really appreciate it. 我真的很感激。
      appreciate 的宾语通常不是人,不可接人表示感激。
      I really appreciate it. 在美国人的思想当中,是“我非常重视这件事情。”如:I appreciate your kindness.(我很感激你的好意。)
I appreciate your help.
= I thank you for your help.
要记住,appreciate后不接人作宾语,thank 后面要接人作宾语。
[例] I appreciate you. [误]
       I appreciate it. [正]
(5) You've helped me a lot.
You've saved me a lot of trouble. 这两句话美国人常说,用于表示感谢。
[比较] You've helped me a lot. [通俗,常说]
            You have helped me a lot. [正式,但美国人不说,只有书写的时候才用]
(6) Take care. 保重。
通常指 Take care of yourself. 当美国人和朋友、家人道别的时候,常说 Take care. 在语法中,take care后面可接动名词或不定式(to +动词原形),或that从句,事实上,美国人多用Take care + V-ing。
[例1] Take care driving home.(开车回家要小心。)
[例2] Take care walking on the floor. It's slippery.(走在地板上要小心。很滑。)    
(7) Drive safely.
[比较] Drive safely.(开车注意安全。)[最常用]
Drive carefully.(小心开车。) [常用]
Be safe.(要注意安全。) [年轻一代喜欢说的话]
Be careful going home.(回家要小心。)
(8) Catch you tomorrow. 明天见。
Catch you later.(待会儿见。)
=I'll catch you later.
或是说I'll try to catch you later.(我会尽量想办法去见你。)Catch you later. 也许是待会儿见,也许是明天,或一年以后见面,讲这句话的意思是,希望能够很快见到你。
   [比较] Catch you tomorrow. [轻松、幽默]
              See you tomorrow. [较正式]
    [例1] Slow down.(慢一点。)
               I'm exhausted.(我很累。)
               I need to catch my breath.(我需要喘一口气,休息一下。)
    [例2] Good job.(做得好。)
               You did it.(你办到了。)
               Now you're catching on.(现在你懂了。)


A: Thanks for the ride.
B: Any time.
     It's my pleasure.
     You're more than welcome.
A: You're a good driver.
B:  You think so?
     Thank you.
     You flatter me.
A: I owe you one.
B:  No, you don't.
     Don't say that.
     We're friends.
A: You've helped me a lot.
B:  Don't mention it.
 Don't be polite.
     You don't need to say that.