8 Cool Things about Greece|希腊八酷


1   This summer the Olympics was held in Greece, where the first Olympics originated1 in 776 B.C. About 50 years later, the athletes competed naked!
2  There  are  about   5.4 million goats in Greece — more than in any other European country. Why? Greeks depend on goats for milk, cheese, and other products.
3 In Greece, nodding your head up and down2 means “no” instead of “yes.” (Side-to-side doesn't mean anything.)
4 Actress Jennifer Aniston is from a Greek family and lived in Greece as a  child. Her family changed their name from Anastassakis to Aniston when they came to the U.S.
5 The Acropolis3 is the site of several famous temples dedicated to4 the Greek goddess5 Athena, such as the nearly 2,500-year-old Parthenon.
6 If you were a Greek kid, your father's first name would be a part of your name—even if you were a girl!
7 Like in the movie, the legendary6 Hercules7 was a Greek superhero. Stories say he was so strong that he could strangle8 a lion, slay9 a nine-headed serpent10, and change the direction of rivers.
8 Greece has over 2,000 islands. One of them, has a pelican11 named Petros as its official mascot12.

  一酷  今年夏天,奥运会在希腊举行,而人类第一次奥运会于公元前776年发源于希腊。大约50年后,运动员们在此赤身裸体地进行过比赛!
  二酷  希腊大约有540万只山羊——在欧洲国家中首屈一指。为什么?希腊人的奶酪制品和其他乳制品都依赖于山羊。
  三酷  在希腊,点头表示“NO”(否也/非也)!(而摇头没有任何含义)
  四酷  女演员珍妮佛 ·安妮斯顿祖籍希腊,童年也是在希腊度过的。家人移民美国之后,就把他们的姓从Anastassakis 改为Aniston。
  五酷  雅典的卫城建有好几座举世闻名的庙宇——包括历经2500年仍巍然耸立的帕台农神庙——全都是献给希腊女神雅典娜的。
  六酷  对于希腊孩子来说,父亲的名(注意:是“名”,不是“姓”)将构成他们名字的一部分,连女孩也不例外!
  七酷  正如电影中再现的那样,赫拉克勒斯是一位传奇的希腊超级英雄。据说他强壮无比,能够掐死雄狮,杀死九头巨蟒,改变河的流向。
  八酷  希腊共有2000余座岛屿,其中一座岛上有一种鹈鹕叫Petros,成了奥运吉祥物。