I Was Shot by a Hunter|野营惊魂


I'd always wanted to go on a “real” camping trip—without bathrooms or electricity. In November 2002, just after I turned 16, my friend told me about Venture Scouts1, this expedition2 group for guys and girls ages 14 to 21, sponsored by the Boy Scouts. I said, “Where do I sign up?”
  Our first overnight trip was planned for November 23. I knew a few people from school who were going, but not very well. I didn't care. I was so excited, I showed up3 two hours early!
  The first mile(out of six) of hiking was hard—like climbing a spiral4 staircase. My muscles ached, and my shoulders hurt from my 30-pound pack. For safety reasons, I was buddied up5 with a girl named Stephanie, who was 15 and from a town near mine. We hit it off6 right away.
  At about 5 P.M. we arrived at the of my right arm. Then it went across my chest, and hitting the rib21 below my left collarbone22. The bullet shattered23; fragments24 went into my lung; and a chunk missed my heart by a quarter inch25. I learned that if the bullet had left my body, I would have bled to death in the woods.

The Aftermath26
  I spent nine days in the hospital and another three weeks at home. The bullet was taken out a month after the accident. It's been more than a year since I was shot, and I wonder if my shoulder will ever stop feeling numb. I can't move it as well as I used to, and in cold weather I feel an ache in my lungs and arm. And now that I have a damaged lung, I'm more susceptible to27 illnesses like pneumonia28. But the doctor tells me I can do anything I want to—including hike29.
  Matt is being charged with the misuse30 of a firearm31 while hunting. If convicted32, he could get 10 years in jail. He'd also lose his hunting license. I've been subpoenaed33 to testify34 against him soon, but I don't want Matt to go to jail. I told him that I forgave him, but he did make a horrible mistake—so I want him to speak at hunter safety courses, look other hunters in the eye, and say that due to him, an innocent35 girl has to suffer, possibly for the rest of her life.


21. rib [rib] n. 肋骨
22. collarbone  n. 锁骨
23. shatter  v. 粉碎
24. fragment   n. 碎片
25. 此句意为:一块子弹片只差四分之一英寸就命击心脏。chunk  n. 大块
26. aftermath  n. 结果,后果
27. susceptible  (to) adj. 易感染的
28. pneumonia   n. 肺炎
29. hike [haik] n. 远足
30. misuse   n. 误用,滥用
31. firearm   n. 火器(步枪,手枪等)
32. convict  v. 证明…有罪,宣告…有罪
33. subpoena  v. (律) (用传票)传唤
34. testify  v. 作证
35. innocent  adj. 天真的