A letter from Daniel Raddiffe|哈利.波特的来信


Daniel Radcliffe is my favorite actor. I wrote to him during The National  Day Holiday last year. Five days before Christmas Day I received a letter from England, from Daniel Radcliffe himself! The letter is as follows.

Daniel Radcliffe
Thank you for your letter which I am always thrilled to receive. For my forthcoming news letter I have chosen to answer ten of the most frequently1 asked questions from fans that I have received in the past few months.
1 Some people think your middle name is Alan—is that true?
No, my full name is Daniel Jacob Radcliffe.

2 What pets do you have?
I have two Border terrier2 dogs called Binka and Nugget—they are not Border collies3 as some people think, which is a totally different breed4.

3 Is it true that you and Emma Watson5 are seeing each other?
Absolutely not! We are very good friends and have a great working relationship on the set6—and that is it!

4 How many Harry Potter films will you make?
I am still finishing the Goblet of Fire7 this year. After that, who knows?

5 Many people say that they have Your e-mail address and they chat to you—is that true?
I cannot stress enough that no one has my e-mail address and I never chat to fans on the Internet. Anyone who says they are is lying!

6 What is the best present you have ever received?

All the presents I receive are great, but if I had to choose one in particular, it would have to be the birthday album I received in July from Danielradcliffe.com. It was very special and something I will keep for the rest of my life.

7 Are you still a fan of WWF8?
No, I lost interest in WWF a few years ago when I became passionate9 about film.

8 Apart from music and films, do you have any other interests?
At the moment I am having magic lessons from the magic consultant10—Paul Kieve, who is a member of the magic circle. He is amazing! I love practicing the tricks and showing them to my friends at parties.

9 What music are you listening to at the moment?
Blur11, Muse12, The Music13, and the Zwan14.

10 Which actors do you admire?
I have loved working with Gary Oldman15 and I really like Jake Gyllenhaal16. I think they are fantastic.

I hope you have a brilliant Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

  He also sent a photo of himself and signed it. I feel like the luckiest person in the world!



1. frequently     adv. 频繁, 经常
2. Border terrier   博德猎狐犬(用于猎捕狐狸的一种强壮的小型粗毛猎狗)
3. Border collie   博德牧羊犬(卷曲的、黑色带白斑毛皮的犬)
4. breed   n. 品种
5. Emma   Watson:艾玛·沃森,饰演《哈利·波特》电影中惟一的女角色荷米昂·格兰杰
6. set [set] n. 拍摄场地
7. the Goblet of Fire 《火焰杯》  goblet [?謖g?蘅blit]  n. 高脚酒杯

8. WWF=World Wrestling Federation世界摔跤联盟
9. passionate   adj. 充满热情的
10. consultant  n. 顾问
11. Blur: 20世纪90年代最具代表的英国四人摇滚乐队,首张专辑为Leisure
12. Muse: 英伦摇滚乐队,支持者多是二十出头的年轻人
13. The  Music: 英国摇滚乐队,曾出同名专辑The Music
14. Zwan:后碎瓜乐队;Smashing Pumpkins的后身,由Billy Corgan (主唱兼吉他手)于2001年组建
15. Gary Oldman: 盖瑞·欧德曼,《哈利·波特: 阿兹卡班的囚徒》中天狼星的扮演者
16. Jake Gyllenhaal: 杰克·葛伦霍, 成名电影包括:October Sky, Moonlight Mile, The Good Girl, Bubble Boy