Words from a Book|书的直白


Dear friends,
  I am so happy and honored to be able to talk to you as a book. First, please let me introduce myself. When it comes to a book, everyone thinks of an object that is made of paper and bound together by glue. However, can it be me? NO, of course not, you've forgotten the most important part of a book—knowledge, the spirit of which I am representing.

Scene One:
  A child was crying for a book. There was no choice for his parents but to buy it. After they returned home, the child wanted his parents to read the book to him, but they were too busy to read it. So, they bought a very cool toy car to distract his attention. The new book lay on the bookshelf, without being noticed, and was being neglected1.

Scene Two:
  At the beginning of a school term, a student bought a book for himself. He put the book into his drawer, and  the book remained buried amongst all other books. At the end of the term he remembered that he had this book. But he gained nothing it had to offer, because next term the text would not be used.

Scene Three:
  After their final-exams, many students were eager to go home. They didn't want to return home with any of their books. The long hours' study, homework, exams,  they blamed everything on the books. So, they sold them, threw them away, some students even burned them.

  What a tragedy! There are so many examples to list and they make me very sad, because my true value hasn't been realized. Shakespeare said, “Books are the nutriment of all the world. ”Bacon wrote an essay Of Studies. I hope everyone can make full use of me and treasure me.
  In the new millennium2, I hope I can become your best friend and take you on a journey through the sea of knowledge.
  May you find success.
A Book

李超 山西省朔州平朔中学 高二(6)班 036006




1. neglect   v. 忽视
2. millennium  n.一千年