One Breath English (3)|一口气英语(3)


9. I'm full.

I'm full.
I'm stuffed.
I can't eat another bite.

I ate too much.
I need a rest.
I need to take it easy.

I'll gain weight.
I'll get fat.
I need to walk it off.


1. I'm stuffed.
 这句话字面意思是“我被填塞了”,引申为“我吃得很饱。”是由 I'm stuffed with food 简化而来的。
2. I can't eat another bite.
3. I need a rest.  我需要休息一下。
 这句话也可以说成:I need to take a rest. 或 I need to rest.
4. I need to take it easy.
5. I'll gain weight.
 这句话字面的意思是“我将增加重量”, 意思就是“我会变胖。”等于I'll get fat.
6. I need to walk it off.
 walk off  以散步消除

A: Don't be polite. Take some more.
B: No, thank you.
I've had enough.
That's plenty for me.

A: You can eat more than that.
B: I already ate too much.
I'll gain weight.

A: I ate too much.
B: Take a rest.
Have a drink.
Wait a little while.

A: I need to walk it off.
B: I'll join you.


10. Let's go for a walk.

Let's go for a walk.
Let's get some exercise.
A walk would do us good.

Walking is great.
Walking is healthy.
It's the best exercise there is.

Where shall we go?
Any place in mind?
I'll follow you anywhere.


1. Let's go for a walk.
 “去散步”的表达方式有很多,美国人最常说的是: Let's take a walk和 Let's go for a walk. Let's stretch our legs也常用。
2. Let's get some exercise.
 在字典上,“做运动”是do/take/get exercise,但是美式英语不说take exercise。
3.  A walk would do us good.
 这句话也可以说成:A walk is good for us. 或 A walk is great for us.
4. It's the best exercise there is.
 这句话源自It's the best exercise that there is. 当主语的关系代词在there is 之前,可省略。
 这句话字面的意思是“它是目前存在的最好的运动”,等于It's the best exercise that exists.
5. Where shall we go?
 shall 在疑问句中,用于第一、三人称,表“征求对方意见”,此时shall等于do you want to...
6. Any place in mind?
 这句话源自Do you have any place in mind?
 美国人也常说:Any special place in mind? (你有没有想到什么特别的地方?)

A:  Let's go for a walk.
B:  Sounds great.
      Let's do it.

A:  Walking is healthy.
B:  It sure is.

A:  Walking is the best exercise there is.
B:  That's so true.

A:  Any place in mind?
B:  Anywhere is fine.


11. I need to go home.

I'm beat.
I'm bushed.
I'm exhausted.

I need to go home.
I need to get back.
I can't stay.

I have things to do.
I have to go.
Let's call it a day.


(1) I'm beat.
beat 的主要意思是“打败”,I'm beat. 字面的意思是“我被打败了”,引申为“我好累。”
(2) I'm bushed.
bush 的主要意思是“灌木丛”,当动词时,可作“使筋疲力尽”解。
(3) I'm exhausted.
exhausted [ig?謖z?蘅?蘼stid]  adj. 筋疲力尽的
I'm exhausted.= I'm very tired.
(4) I need to go home.
美国人非常喜欢说 I need to + V. 这类的句子。
(5) I have things to do.
"have + 名词 + to V." 是一个句型。
(6) Let's call it a day.
call it a day    今天到此为止
这句话的意思是:“我们今天到此为止。”也可以说成:Let's call it quits.

A: I'm beat.
B: Take a break.

A: I need to get back.
B: Please stay.

A: Let's call it a day.
B: Good idea.

A: I can't stay.
B: It's early.