The Man In An Old White Shirt|穿白衬衣的男人


One spring day, two years ago, I was walking home happily. It was raining slightly. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise. An accident had happened! A woman in the front car seemed badly hurt and a lot of blood was coming out of her head.
  Everybody was shocked but nobody moved. After a moment, I saw a man in an old white shirt jumping out from the crowd into the middle of the road. He wasn't tall or strong and might have been over forty years old. He shouted at the motionless1 people, “Don't just look on, please call the police!”
  The man tried to stop some cars, hoping one of them would take the hurt woman to hospital. But no car stopped. The first car passed, then the second, the third... After the sixth car had passed he became very angry.
  A car was moving towards him, so he stepped into its way. It honked2 at him again and again, but he wouldn't move, so the car had to stop. The man ran to the driver's window and said, “Please save this lady! She's dying.”The driver got out of the car and stared at the woman. Then he turned to the man and said, “I don't want her bleeding in my car, it's new and expensive.” The man grabbed the driver's collar, crying out, “Which is more important, your car or the lady's life? If your car is dirtied by her, I will pay for cleaning it.”
  Hearing this, the driver agreed. Then, the man picked up the woman and placed her in the car. His old white shirt was covered with the lady's blood. He also got into the car, which then quickly drove off.
  Most people just watched indifferently3, including myself. In fact, very few people would help a stranger. I'm ashamed that I didn't do anything and just stood there like everyone else. The world would be a much better place if we were humanitarian4 towards each other and not so self-involved5. It's rare to find such a warm-hearted, helpful and kind man who is so unselfish6. He is a true hero!
  I will never forget the man in his old white shirt...



1. motionless   adj. 不动的
2. honk  v. [汽车]鸣喇叭
3. indifferently  adv. 漠不关心地
 indifference   n. 冷漠
4. humanitarian  adj. 人道的,慈善的
5. self-involved adj. 自我的
6. unselfish  adj. 无私的